American University of Paris 5 Bd de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris

American University of Paris

65 Avis
  • mercredi09:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–17:00

American University of Paris 5 Bd de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris

À propos de l'entreprise

The American University of Paris | International Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. | AUP provides a premiere American-style education that prepares international undergraduate and graduate students for future professional and academic success.


5 Bd de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris


  • mercredi09:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–17:00


  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

American University of Paris
The university's language of instruction is English, although students must prove a level of proficiency in French prior to graduation.[5] The university has over 1,100 students, representing over 100 nationalities, with an average student-to-faculty ratio of thirteen to one. The university's faculty members represent 21 nationalities, with 71% holding doctoral degrees and close to 70% speaking three or more languages.[2]The university sponsors more than 200 lectures and seminars every year. Past lecturers at AUP have included David Lynch, Martha Nussbaum, Jane Goodall, J. M. Coetzee, National Geographic photojournalist Reza, Calvin Klein, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Additionally, the university has hosted numerous international conferences, inviting an aggregate of over a thousand scholars, including Gary Becker, Nobel Prize-recipient of Economics in 1992; Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France; and Michel Rocard, former Prime Minister of France.[6] The Paris Centennial Conference, held in May 2019, was the largest ever conference to be hosted by AUP. Speakers included Adam Tooze from Columbia University and Margaret MacMillan from the University of Oxford.[7]The university has been awarding honorary degrees since 1984. Amongst the recipients are scholars, writers, artists, political figures, and researchers, including Gene Kelly, Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Caron, Robert Wilson, Pierre Salinger, Jessye Norman, I.M. Pei, William Styron, Simon Weisenthal, Pamela Harriman, Simone Veil, Sargent Shriver, James Ivory, Bernard Kouchner, Michel Rocard, Christine Lagarde, Christiane Amanpour, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Tzvetan Todorov, Muriel Spark, Mavis Gallant, J.M. Coetzee, Eugene Lang, Paul Muldoon, Jane Goodall, Archie Shepp, David McCullough, Louise Arbour, Margaret MacMillan, R. Nicolas Burns, and Martha Nussbaum.[8]History EditFounded by Dr. Lloyd DeLamater, a then 40-year-old US Foreign Service officer, in 1962 as the American College in Paris (ACP), the university was renamed 26 years later as The American University of Paris (AUP).[9]ACP was initially a two-year junior college located in the American Church in Paris. Its inaugural class consisted of 100 students, many of whom were children of American service members and expatriates living in France and Europe. Fifteen part-time professors taught courses in Economics, English, Fine Arts, Government History, French, German, Spanish, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Sociology. In 1964, the first 40 students received their diplomas for two years of study, going on to complete their degree in the United States.
American University of Paris
Si les notes négatives existaient sur Google je leur mettrai un zéro mais comme on ne peut pas mettre j'ai mis un modeste 1. Après 4 ans passés dans cette école, je peux affirmer en toute confiance n'aura été qu'une perte de temps et d'argent. L'administration n'a aucune compétence relationnelle et vous avez parfois des gens qui vous manquent de respect quand ils vous parlent. De façon générale, cet établissement n'est fait que pour les personnes qui sont très confortables financièrement. La diversité socio-économique de la société ne les concerne absolument pas. Dès que vous avez des difficultés pour payer l'administration change totalement de visage et vous traite comme si vous étiez des chiens avec parfois des mots qui dépassent le cadre professionnel. Les jugements de valeur faits à l'emporte-pièce sont une habitude récurrente parmi l'administration. Le pire c'est que vous faites confiance et on vous poignarde dans le dos après. Vous payez une fortune les études sans laquelle cette école fermerait car elle ne dépend que des frais de scolarité déboursés par les étudiants. Un peu d'humilité serait la bienvenue de la part de l'ancienne directrice et du staff. Ils bouffent grâce à vous et à votre argent, plus de 100,000€ mais ils se permettent quand même d'être irrespectueux. Par ailleurs, le bureau du student leadership est tristement connu pour être tenu par des personnes incompétentes. Ils ne font aucun effort pour développer la participation des étudiants dans les activités extra-scolaires. A titre d'exemple, il a fallu plusieurs années pour mettre en place des ateliers pratiques de journalisme journalism practicum" alors que les universités cela existe déjà depuis longtemps à travers les UE de valorisation de l'engagement associatif étudiant. Le bureau Student Leadership/Development manque cruellement de créativité dans ce sens. Par ailleurs
American University of Paris
Très beau bâtiment. Les élèves ainsi que le personnel encadrant sont très sympa. Malheureusement université très très chère pour les modestes diplomes qu'elle fournit
Gary Lopez
American University of Paris
The only convenience is the opportunity to earn an US degree while studying abroad.Sadly, it's a well-known fact on campus that the student development office is filled with unskilful people. The administrative staff is not knowledgeable about the US educational system. The student leadership office does not make any effort to make our student experience more enjoyable. It is definitely not worth the cost. There are tones of other programs that will allow you to study in Paris.If you are an international student, most universites in France are free and you will have a better housing situation.
Collin F
American University of Paris
after four years I can safely say that this school might be a scam. essentially you're buying a degree. everything here is for show. the administration is consistently infuriating. the student body is mostly unmotivated to the point where classes don't even work. put in a little bit of effort and see the A's come in.
Ariana Lawrence
American University of Paris
Horrible school with no meal or housing plan (they want you to partner with Comforts of Home, who completely rip you of thousands of dollars to give you as little as possible), and the counselor suggested i try smoking weed to ease the stress i was going through BECAUSE of them.I was enrolled September of 2017 and per guidelines as a first year student you are required to find housing through Comforts of Home, which leases apartments to students for around €1,500 a month. I was in a three bedroom apartment with six other girls, sleeping in a room with three beds (one blocking the window so you couldn’t open the window, and one blocking the fireplace and another in front of the large single closet that was separated into three spaces. This is NOT enough space to live in and i quickly moved to another apartment through Comforts of Home in the spring. This was a three bedroom apartment shared by four other girls (five total, you could choose to pay 2000€ extra if you wanted a room to yourself, otherwise you had to share) which was much better. After multiple accusations of me and my roommates being loud and obnoxious (which to be fair we were about half of the time) we were eventually fined. Putting that aside, the immigration process can be quite stressful and AUP is SUPPOSED to help you with the process of getting your student visa renewed, and getting a card that will allow you to get a job in the city legally as an immigrant studying abroad. This takes months in advance to schedule and has to be done meticulously. AUP forgot to schedule an appointment to get my working card, making it impossible for me to get a job to help with my living expenses. I was stressed out looking for ways to budget my travel and living expenses and went to the dean and student counseling services multiple times as my grades were dropping, to which one of the counselors suggested I smoke weed to calm my anxiety down. Shortly after i stopped attending classes and by the end of the year i left the school completely to finish my degree elsewhereDO NOT attend this school unless you have the funds to support yourself the entire time. Taking out loans will not help you. The faculty and/or student services have zero answers and even the school disagrees with the way Comforts of Home run their services but do nothing about it because they are under contract.The only thing they have ever been punctual with is payment deadlines and emailing students on appointment dates for immigration needs (however there is no information on where to go or who to see, just an address and a time).ALSO PLEASE BEWARE NOT ALL OF YOUR CREDITS WILL TRANSFER TO ANOTHER SCHOOL. AUP is accredited through the University of Delaware however when i transferred to a community college elsewhere in the US I was forced to retake specific classes to regain the credit. Save your time, save your money, save your stress.
belmahdi anes
American University of Paris
The American University of Paris (AUP) is a private, independent, and accredited liberal arts and sciences university in Paris, France. Founded in 1962
Muhammad Ahsan
American University of Paris
You will learn to break out of your comfort zone, step beyond the bounds of general knowledge and discover your passions. Students and faculty bring their diverse cultural backgrounds, languages and perspectives into the classroom. You’ll learn to be a cultural translator with the capacity to analyze, adapt and thrive in any environment. All you need to be a global explorer is the courage to live and learn in an international environment.AUP
poonirsha lopez stylish-beauty (your hëärt)
American University of Paris
Experience university knowledgePoonirsha ujoodhaGreat university of FranceCE tree bien pour your France
Lara Lanfried
American University of Paris
Our son will be graduating next Spring. He LOVES his professors and has really thrown himself into academic pursuits. He could have attended several schools in the US, but we’re so thankful he made this out-of-the norm choice. In addition to becoming French fluent, and making friends from all over the world, he has grown into an incredible man. As in all of life, an education is what you make of it. Our entire family is tremendously grateful for his four years at AUP.

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5 Bd de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris
American University of Paris