Dreamsea Surf Camp France Camping Les Cigales, Av. de l'Océan, 40660 Moliets-et-Maa

Dreamsea Surf Camp France

87 Avis
  • mercredi09:00–21:00
  • jeudi09:00–21:00
  • vendredi09:00–21:00
  • samedi09:00–21:00
  • dimanche09:00–21:00
  • lundi09:00–21:00
  • mardi09:00–21:00

Dreamsea Surf Camp France Camping Les Cigales, Av. de l'Océan, 40660 Moliets-et-Maa

À propos de l'entreprise

Surf Camp France | Dreamsea | A magic Surf Camp | Welcome to Dreamsea Surf Camp France, a magic place where to spend some amazing surfing holidays surrounded by nature and people from all around the world.


Camping Les Cigales, Av. de l'Océan, 40660 Moliets-et-Maa


  • mercredi09:00–21:00
  • jeudi09:00–21:00
  • vendredi09:00–21:00
  • samedi09:00–21:00
  • dimanche09:00–21:00
  • lundi09:00–21:00
  • mardi09:00–21:00


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • LGBTQ+ friendly
  • Lieu accueillant pour les personnes transgenres

Avis recommandés

Christophe Jaunet
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
merci pour ce sejour a toute l equipe animateur service restauration cours de surf de belle rencontre malgrer mon niveau d anglais .je serais bien rester plus longtemps !
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Les repas sont excellent et l'ambiance très agréable
Jacobo González Mateo
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Amazing experience! Teacher really interested in your learning. Super good atmosphere. Wonderful meals with otption for vegetarians. I would repet again.
Jonas Schmoll
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Einfach nur traumhaft. Das Camp ist in ausgezeichnetem Zustand und bietet für jedermann eine Wohlfühloase. Das gesamte Team ist sehr entspannt und immer freundlich. Der Weg zum surfstrand dauert rund 15 Minuten ist aber problemlos zu Fuß machbar. Die Surfkurse sind gut und machen wirklich Spaß.Empfehlen kann ich, sich nach einer kurzen Nacht früh aus dem Bett zu quälen und morgens in den Sonnenaufgang zu surfen. Die Kulisse ist kaum zu beschreiben.Auf jedenfall einen Besuch wert.Kleiner Tipp:Im l'open (Bar im Ort) immer vorne rechts zur Klima.
Mila J
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Wouldn't go again for sure! First of all the cleanness of the tents wasn't at the satisfactory level. I understand that there's sand and everything but the beds and the tents should be clean at the dust, spiders and other bugs. Luckily my friend brought a device against them. Another thing - the FOOD before every dinner we had announcement that we should take only 3 pieces of potatoes, 1 bread, etc - not cool at all. We were surfing we were hungry. The positive though was that refill was allowed. Also the duration of the dinner was soo short that we're playing Hunger Games when it was served. It lasted only half an hour - they tell you about punctuality at the introduction night but common on half hour - also not cool if you ask me. Don't forget the policy that the bar in the camp closes at 10:30 pm and everything must be silent at 11 pm.However the camp looks nice and that's about it. Wouldn't recommend it for sure.
c. guillaume
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Au top! Pour les amateurs de surf, skate and chill out :) Et si vous avez l'honneur de croiser Jazz! The best Everrr
Adele C
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Super ambiance et parfait pour apprendre le surf dans un cadre international !
Bryony Hulbert
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
The surf and yoga sessions were good quality - Fuad is an excellent yoga teacher. The food at breakfast and dinner was amazing (lunch was awful) and Moliets is a cool place where loads of young people go with beautiful sunsets and lots of bars and restaurants.However, I didn’t enjoy my time at the Dreamsea surf camp because the camp is not equipped to provide a comfortable stay for guests, the staff are rude and lazy, and there are too many guests.1. The camp facilitiesThere are 4 toilets, 6 showers and 1 mirror/sink station between c. 180 people so there was always a queue and we always felt rushed and stressed to use these facilities. There was never any soap or toilet roll in the toilets. They had squashed as many beds into the tents as possible so there was no space to walk inside. These issues meant that we always felt a bit gross and messy. After a few days of not being able to properly look after yourself and recharge, you begin to feel rubbish, you can’t make the most of the surf lessons, and you don’t feel like going out to socialise. There was no wifi and the power outlets in the tents didn’t work so we couldn’t charge our phones which was really annoying, especially just before we left because I needed a full charge to get me through my trip home but I ended up having to find an internet cafe. If you want a drink from the tiki bar you have to buy a “token” from reception first. They advise you to buy a handful of tokens at the start of your stay. I bought some thinking I’d have a few smoothies during the week. However, the bar was never properly stocked, there were never any smoothies in stock so I usually had to settle for something else that I didn’t really want and then at the end of my stay, they wouldn’t buy back my tokens so I lost money. It just felt like I was being scammed.2. The locationThe location is ok but it’s a 20 min walk to the beach which gets old very quickly and the waves are not great - the current is strong which can tire you out before you even get deep enough to catch a wave and the sea is crowded with surfers and swimmers.3. The staffA lot of these problems could have easily been resolved and would have drastically improved my experience but the staff seemed to really not care about our experience at the camp. It felt like the staff were a big group of friends (c. 30 people) that were there for a holiday, wanted to do the bare minimum and just ignored the guests as much as they could. It was difficult to work out who they were because they were in a similar age bracket and were often just hanging around the camp like they were guests. They were late to collect me so I missed the induction, I had to climb into my bed in the dark and no one ever gave me an induction so I had to figure everything out for myself.4. Too many guestsFinally, I think it would have been better if there had been less people. I met many amazing people but it was impossible to feel at home with 180 people - it was just too much and created a very impersonal atmosphere. 30-50 would have made it easier to make proper connections and feel like a family. I only met people because I went out of my way to be sociable which is not easy for everyone to do. The staff should have created opportunities for people to connect.I wanted to leave this honest review because it was quite disappointing for me and it was difficult to get through the week. I don’t want that to happen to anyone else. I still gave 2 stars because I tried to make the most of the experience and I did get something out of it. So I don’t regret it but if I could go back in time, I would choose a smaller camp.
Stephan Reichardt
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Vom Zufall zum GlücksfallEigentlich war ein anderes Camp geplant aber durch eine Stornierung bin ich kurzfristig im DreamSea Moliets gelandet.Die Unterbringung war in hochwertigen Zelten mit richtigen Betten, Bettwäsche und super leckeren Essen! :)Die Nutzung von Fahrrädern, Skateboards und Surfboards war inklusive.Das Tages/Abendprogramm war klasse und jeden Tag super !Im Vergleich zu anderen Camps ist das DreamSea komplett auf Qualität ausgelegt und man merkt an der Pünktlichkeit und guten Organisation die deutsche Camp-Leitung.Die Woche verging wie im Fluge, danke dafür. :D
Elena Popova
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
It's awesome place, where you will learn how to surf and spend good time with comfort
Gregor Braun
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
We were guests in the clamping area.+ The best camp in Moliets+ Great motivated staff+ Good food+ Clean tents+ Holds what is promised- The camp is located in a even bigger camp with hundreds of people. This is not clearly stated on the website and we where quite surprised. Therefore, it is quite noisy any time of the day (and even night when drunk people get back home outside the camp).- No offense, but there where every day more people coming over from the normal" camp side to the glamping area for dinner and showering/ toilet business (because they are a but nicer). The result is longer waiting times and less choice were to sit/ relax."
bene terseur
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Je souhaitais faire part de ma déception du surfcamp dreamsea. Ce camp met en avant de belles photos et des services qui n’existent pas. C’est très mensonger d’indiquer que le camp possède des vélos en libre service, que la plage se trouve proche du camp, mettre de belles images…etcSur le camp, on ne parle uniquement qu’anglais (seulement 2 membres parlent français). Il faut marcher plus de 30min avec sa planche pour aller surfer. Il y a du sable partout et les tentes ne sont pas clean et sont très vétustes proches du bar où il y a de la musique en permanence de 8h à 23h.Le point positif est la nourriture du dîner mais attention il faut être à l’heure pour être sûr de pouvoir manger… sinon le midi c’est sandwich tous les jours.Les cours de surf indique 3h de cours pour au final 1h30 dans l’eau.C’est au final très cher pour ce que c’est et la moindre des choses serait de remettre une version à jour sur le site pour éviter les déceptions.
Lars Nettemann
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Nice Staff and we liked the tents. However, the food (especially for vegetarians but also in general) was sooo disappointing. Cold, bad, and in no way in relation to the price you pay at this place
Baptiste POUJOL
Dreamsea Surf Camp France
Super séjour à Dreamsea a moliets ! La team a été super accueillante, le logement en tente était plus que confortable et la nourriture était excellente et variée ! Les cours de surf étaient de qualité et j'ai pu bien progresser malgré les efforts pour apporter les planches jusqu'à la plage. Merci à toute la dreamsea family pour cette semaine de folie. Je reviendrai :)

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Camping Les Cigales, Av. de l'Océan, 40660 Moliets-et-Maa
Dreamsea Surf Camp France