Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe 19 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918, 78110 Le Vésinet

Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe

51 Avis
  • mercredi09:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–16:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–17:00

Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe 19 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918, 78110 Le Vésinet

À propos de l'entreprise

Malherbe International School |


19 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918, 78110 Le Vésinet


  • mercredi09:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–16:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–17:00


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Nathalie Shaw
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
MIS is such a nurturing and wonderful environment. It gave our duaghter the very best introduction into school life. The teachers are amazing and form real connections with the children. We whole heartedly recommend to any prospective families.
Nicolas B
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Our 6 years old daughter is attending Malherbe school for the 2nd year.Her teachers are fantastic. Even during lockdown, they remained fully engaged with several zoom sessions every day.All the staff is very lovely and the PTA is very dynamic (lots of parties during the year, charities, ...)They have specialist teacher for science, PE, french, music and sport.My 2 older daughters attended an outstanding school in London (we came to Paris 2 years ago) and I can tell that Malherbe is even better.Highly recommended!If you have some doubt, come at pick up and drop off, you’ll see that all the kids are very happy to go to that school! If you can afford it, don’t hesitate!
Hafida Second
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
L'école MIS au Vésinet est le meilleur établissement qui dispense une pédagogie en anglais et en française, les enfants grandissent dans un environnement biculturel riche et sont soutenus à 100%! Mes enfants qui ont passés leur scolarité là-bas ne seraient pas ce qu'ils sont aujourd'hui sans MIS
Elizabeth Hoy Feltham
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Absolutely love this school. My son thrived for the two years he attended. Lovely community of parents as well. Highly recommend!
Marina Littot
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Très bonne école totalement anglophone.Ma fille de 4.5 ans a passé 5 mois dans cette école (malheureusement on a dû déménagé durant l'année scolaire). Elle est rentrée en Septembre avec le niveau d'anglais assez faible et en Novembre il a parlé en Anglais couramment !L'école est très bien gérée au niveau d'organisation et de discipline. En même temps les maîtresses sont bienveillantes et attentionnées. La cour est très bien aménagé avec des aires de jeux et le bac à sable, il y a même un poulailler.L'école utilise la méthode Montessori. Les enfants apprennent aussi les sons de l'alphabeth par la méthode Jolly Phonics (les petits chansons). Notre fille a commencé à lire les mots simples en anglais déjà en Janvier. Elle est seulement en moyenne section de maternelle. On était vraiment impressionné !Notre fille s'est épanouie dans cette école. Je vous la recommande !
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
My daughter of 4 years old has spent one week every morning during winter camp in Malherbe school.She adapted very well since her teacher was really nice to her.She enjoyed doing paintings, drawings, playing outside with the other children.I warmly recommend this school !!!!
CC’s Gaming
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Excellent, caring school. A great soft landing for children arriving into France, with a gentle approach and a gradual exposure to French. My son has been very happy here. Teachers are excellent and the school has a small, family feel.
Bethany Taylor
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
What an incredible community and an international school with a very personal touch. Malherbe really is a family and a place where my daughter got very individualised attention and grew enormously. If you're looking for a good quality school that is entirely unique and special, Malherbe is that place.
Kirree Jenkings
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
We feel extremely fortunate that our daughter commenced her school career at MIS.She loves her school, her teachers, her peers, the range of activities, the excursions, the environment, the meals... everything.It is an extremely well-considered school that successfully balances academic achievement with a truly caring, nurturing, and fun environment, something that seems quite rare these days.It combines the best aspects of the British and French systems, whilst avoiding some of the downsides we feared when returning to Europe.The parkland setting and beautiful building add to MIS's charm and we have been impressed by the team's attention to detail and consideration for children's cultural enrichment in the subjects and teaching methods.We cannot recommend MIS highly enough.
Nicolas Gurgand
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Ecole Internationale à conseiller pour plusieurs raisons. Principalement pour les méthodes éducatives, le cadre exceptionnel, l'investissement de l'ensemble du personnel et des parents d'élèves. Une communauté riche en diversité culturelle et des profils d'enseignants impliqués et vraiment remarquables pour ce que j'en connais...
Magali Lemos
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Très contente de MIS. Mon fils de 4 ans a passédeux années dans cette école dans laquelle il s’est parfaitement épanoui dans un environnement totalement anglophone.
Nicolas R
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Both kids spent 3 wonderful years in the school. The teachers and the staff have alaways been very kind and helpful. Coming from a French family, our kids are now fluent and their overall academic level is just great.Thank you MIS!
Diana Pinheiro
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Our two children attended Malherbe International School between 2022 and 2022 and we couldn't have had a better experience. A very welcoming school, a place where family values are really felt. Sweet and very competent teachers who really care and are involved in the children's learning process (I would say it's a very personalized one to one accompaniment). A school that will remain in the best memories of our children.We highly recommend Malherbe International School!
Ziya Engin
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe
Malherbe is an excellent primary and mid school. They have great teachers and follow a strong British curriculum. Our son, who did not have any French language experience before, developed a strong French basis as well as thriving in English, Maths, Science and History. They provide extensive and high-quality term development reports and also accessible regularly through parent meetings. Malherbe's student body is quite diverse with respectful and well-developed kids. Our son quickly adapted to his new school and established some good friendships. We would like to especially thank Mrs. Snape, Mrs. Badri, Mrs. Malherbe and Mrs. Shippen for their outstanding support and leadership. We absolutely loved this school and recommend it to all families.

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19 Rue du 11 Novembre 1918, 78110 Le Vésinet
Malherbe International School - Ecole Internationale Malherbe