Pharmacie Principale 13 Pl. Carnot, 74210 Faverges

Pharmacie Principale

15 Avis
  • mercredi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • jeudi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • vendredi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • samedi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:00
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • mardi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30

Pharmacie Principale 13 Pl. Carnot, 74210 Faverges

À propos de l'entreprise



Site Web
13 Pl. Carnot, 74210 Faverges


  • mercredi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • jeudi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • vendredi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • samedi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:00
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30
  • mardi08:30–12:30, 14:00–19:30


  • Achats en magasin
  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Cartes de crédit
  • Cartes de paiement
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Paiements mobiles NFC

Avis recommandés

Irene Perrone
Pharmacie Principale
I confirm the review of Chapati Donc. Pharmacien qui pousse à l'achat.I asked for a medicine for hemorrhoids. He gave me his preparation of herbs and flowers, I specifically asked if it was a drug. He answered yes. I believed him, instead I should check the translation from French in internet. I don't want to argue about the effectiveness of the preparation, but I asked for a chemical active ingredient that would quickly solve the problem. Herbs cannot be as effective as a drug if there is an urgency to solve. And also it's 30 euros of expenses compared to 6 of a Ruscoroid type cream. The customer must be informed of possible alternatives and costs. I trusted this pharmacy but my trust was betrayed.
Chapati Donc
Pharmacie Principale
Pharmacien qui pousse à l'achat.Essaye toujours de nous faire acheter ses potions faites maisons qui sont chères et inefficaces. Personnellement j'évite d'y aller
Guillaume Even
Pharmacie Principale
Ambiance calme et détenduPersonnel courtois et aimable
Pharmacie Principale
Bons conseils.
Corinne Bruno
Pharmacie Principale
Très pro
kristina svensson
Pharmacie Principale
Très très bien.

Ajouter un avis


13 Pl. Carnot, 74210 Faverges
Pharmacie Principale