Constellium Constellium Z.I.P. Rhénane Nord R.D. 52, 68600 Biesheim


396 Avis
  • mercredi07:30–18:00
  • jeudi07:30–18:00
  • vendredi07:30–18:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi07:30–18:00
  • mardi07:30–18:00

Constellium Constellium Z.I.P. Rhénane Nord R.D. 52, 68600 Biesheim

À propos de l'entreprise

Constellium: aluminium products and solutions | Constellium is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high value-added aluminium products and solutions, and in aluminium recycling. We design and manufacture advanced alloys and engineered solutions for a range of applications, such as cars, beverage cans, airplanes and more.


Constellium Z.I.P. Rhénane Nord R.D. 52, 68600 Biesheim


  • mercredi07:30–18:00
  • jeudi07:30–18:00
  • vendredi07:30–18:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi07:30–18:00
  • mardi07:30–18:00


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Cartes de crédit
  • Cartes de paiement
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Paiements mobiles NFC

Avis recommandés

Anne Mikela
J'y travaille depuis 6 mois et pour le moment, rien à dire, une des meilleures boîte dans laquelle j'ai travaillé
margaret robertson
On arrival go to parking area. You will need Macron Law updated. (They will not print a copy!)Go by foot to the security checkpoint, there you will fill in a form with your reference number, truck number, name and tlf.Once finished pass through to bureau. There give the Macron law and protocol given at the entrance. There they will tell you if you can pass and weigh in or if you have to wait in the parking. (There are toilets in the parking area)In the parking area there is a screen where your reference number comes up, once number comes up on screen, go through to weighing and go to loading/unloading parking.If loading, once in inside the factory you must take your papers inside with your CMR and leave them inside the blue trays.( Toilets and vending machines are inside)Whilst waiting in the interior parking pass the Tir cable along the right side of the truck.They will come to call you to go inside. First the load you then you must go forward to the space where they indicate you to secure the load. A safety walk is provided to secure the load. YOU MUST WAIT FOR PHOTO TO BE TAKEN BEFORE CLOSING!!With truck closed go out and wait in the lane to go to weigh (it is controlled by traffic lights)Go to weigh in and return to bureau for papers.My experience was very good. Security man was helpful and spoke Spanish, he explained everything very well. Loading was quick and workers help.Be happy to return again.
Hi, i will say it just like a colleague bellow. Driver has to secure unsecure many times, while staff are playing jokes with drivers.Staff at the gate VERY unfriendly (not to say worse) Horrible place, no respect for people, very poor for sucha a big company, AVOID.
Rone Fleit
There are very, very long waiting times for truck drivers because the employees work very slowly and in a complicated manner.The sanitary facilities are either broken or extremely dirty and there is no possibility to drink a coffee or eat a snack during the waiting times of up to 7-8 hours.Unfortunately, the processes are not up-to-date and not practice-oriented.
Entre 12h45 et 13h30,le gardien est en pause,tu es obligé d'attendre avant de sortir de l'usine.bravo l'organisation. C'est la 1ère fois pour moi, chapeau!!!
Miroslav Maršál
When loading in the second hall, you have to leave the company premises through the gatehouse, get weighed, have documents checked and drive back through the gatehouse into the premises. This is difficult to understand...With personal no problem.
Philippe Mugnier
Entreprise je m en foutiste tu arrive A8 H30 le matin et ils te font rentré à 12 h tu doit porter une veste a manches même par 30 degré je ne peux rien dire de positif même le personnel est désagréable pas envie d y retourner sérieux
Dan Mogala
Loading only at appointed time. Staff at the gate very unfriendly. Must wear long pants and sleeves, even if outside are 35 degrees. New toilets, not very clean (but here is also drivers fault) and no showers.
Medina Mahmutovic
Malheureusement si vous n'êtes pas diplômé tttthao ....Même avec une grande expérience en industrie.
Thierry Barbary
Nous avons été très déçu avec les moules marinières.Je pense que c'était des plats réchauffés , elles étaient très petites et toutes desséchée.Je comprends que la saison des moules n'était pas commencé.Alors pourquoi les mettre au menu .
Dominique Gallippi
Très grande usine de transformation de l'aluminium... de grande quantités de bobines et de plaques en sortent tout les jours. Avant-gardiste dans la sécurité et la technologie de pointe.
Joel Miclo
C'est une entreprise très sérieuse, j'ai eu du mal de partir pour la retraite
Christophe Mala (“Tintin62430”)
4 bobines chargé en 15 min...Arrivé à 10h20 ( rdv 10h30) et sortie a 14h30 ...lamentableEt tout un cinéma pour la sécurité alors que sous 25 degrés manche longue obligatoire alors pas de veste manteau obligatoire ....ils vont pas avoir de coup de chaud eux c sur
Claude Balié
Un des meilleurs site Industriel qu'il reste à la France.

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Constellium Z.I.P. Rhénane Nord R.D. 52, 68600 Biesheim