Le Jardin de Zébulon 60 Rue Clément Ader, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly

Le Jardin de Zébulon

30 Avis

Le Jardin de Zébulon 60 Rue Clément Ader, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly

À propos de l'entreprise

Le Jardin de Zébulon crèche halte garderie dans le pays de Gex | Le Jardin de Zébulon crèche halte garderie dans le pays de Gex, crèche à taille humaine


60 Rue Clément Ader, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly



  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Zoran Krstic
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Équipe professionnelle et souriant, ma fille adore cette crèche !!!
Mélody Rochat
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Agressivité, non à l’écoute.
Steve Jordan
Le Jardin de Zébulon
My daughter enjoyed this nursery a lot. She went directly from a high class private nursery in London and we've been given the opportunity to place her at Le Jardin de Zebulon after months of research following our installation in Geneva City.For us, this nursery checks all the boxes and more. An excellent care and attention is given to every child as far as we've experienced. Our daughter has grown well and in perfect conditions. Thank you for that.
foued yakhlef
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Ligne haute tension qui passe juste au dessus du bâtiment avec des bourdonnements dans une zone industrielle
Loulou Caro
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Et encore je n’ai pas le choix de mettre zéro étoile. Quoi dire de plus à part ESCROCS, ARNAQUEURS, VOLEURS...je ne recommande à personne. De plus à chaque fois que j’allais chercher mon enfant il avait des petits bleus.
Le Jardin de Zébulon
My boy is going here 4x week and he loves it
Maria Lucia Uribe Torres
Le Jardin de Zébulon
We recently had a very bad experience at this place with our 9 month old daughter. The first time we came to visit the place, we had a bad impression:1. There was a small baby crying on the floor. It seems to me she had some developmental delay and needed extra attention; of the entire time we were there she was not given any attention despite desperate crying.2. I asked the manager what kind of philosophy they had in the nursery, to which she replied that they didn't and they just treat children as they are treated at home. Very surprising for me, particularly as I am someone working in education. I also asked about using the cry-it-out method to put children to sleep, the manager said she didn't know what this was but though they didn't let children cry it to sleep, children had to cry some time, to which I replied that I didn't this to happen to my baby.3. It is not bilingual.Despite these episodes ringing a negative signal to me, we decided to anyway register our baby there, given the lack of nurseries in the area. Our daughter started her adaptation week:1. The first day she was supposed to stay half an hour with us and half an hour alone. She started very happy, playing with the toys, interacting with other kids. Then we said goodbye and she didn't cry. When we came back 30 minutes later, the teachers said that she cried all the time and couldn't calm her down. We were very surprised as our daughter is very social and is used to several environments. When we picked her up, she had a bruise in her leg.2. On the second day, she was supposed to stay one hour. We brought her and she started to play, a bit suspicious though. We left her and she was fine. When we came back, they said that she cried all the time and couldn't calm her down. Again, we discovered she had bruises in her legs and arms. This day we also heard a kid crying in a dark room where they had the cots, for a period between 10 to 15 minutes, without anyone paying attention. I asked the teacher and she said that she was busy and he only needed a pacifier that she would give him later. I told her I didn't this to happen to our daughter.3. On the 3rd day we talked to the teachers and they said that yes, it is not normal that she cries non-stop, as the other children would cry when their parents left them but then they would be happy. With our daughter was the opposite. We asked about the bruises, to which they replied that the other kids didn't do anything to her. This day, she was supposed to stay two hours. We decided to leave her only one hour and see how it would go. When we came back our baby had her eyes swollen and was desperate. The teachers said that again she cried non stop. The teachers asked why do we want to bring her so small to the nursery and why not to have a nanny at home. They said that her behaviour was not good for them, the other children, for us and our baby herself. They said we could just leave her the full day as she would have to adapt sooner or later. Again she came home with bruises.4. On the 4th day, as soon as we came, our daughter got very anxious. She started to cry immediately when she saw the teachers. We asked if we could stay longer. The teachers said we needed to leave immediately as not to interfere. My husband came 40 minutes later to pick her up, and she was strapped to the swing with her eyes focused to one point and started to cry when she saw my husband. We now understood that this was probably how she got the bruises as she was always left crying, and she hurt herself trying to push herself out of the swing.We decided to withdraw her. I complained about all this to the manager and owner, to which I received an answer saying that they understood but my complaints were a product of mother's anguish, and we had to pay a full month anyway. She said I am accusing her staff of things that didn't happen. All what I am sharing did happen, and the teachers know about this. It is managed as a business without proper consideration of children's individual needs.
Le petit Zébulon
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Le Jardin de Zébulon est une crèche privée très haut de gamme installée dans le Pays de Gex depuis plus de 10 ans.Nous accueillons les enfants de 4 mois à 5 ans.Le Jardin de Zébulon a été pensé, construit et est géré par une maman de 3 enfants, soucieuse de pouvoir continuer à poursuivre une carrière professionnelle tout en laissant ses enfants en toute sécurité et sérénité dans une crèche pensée uniquement pour les enfants.Nous sommes fiers d’avoir accueillis plus de 1 000 enfantsParmi nos prestations 5 étoiles :La sécurité :Sécurité extérieure renforcée : Caméras de surveillance, portique de sécurité, vigiles.Respect de la vie privée, aucune communication et aucune photo sur les réseaux sociaux.Aucune sortie à l’extérieur de l’enceinte de la crèche n’est autoriséeNotre équipeEquipes jeunes, dynamiques, bienveillantes, créatives, passionnées, diplômées de la petite enfance et multi-langues (français, anglais, espagnol, italien, allemand, néerlandais).Equipes formées à accueillir des enfants porteurs de handicapGouvernantesEducatrices de jeunes enfants, spécialisées dans le développement de l’enfantInfirmières s’occupent des enfants malades, donnent les traitements médicaux, conseillent et accompagnent les parentsCuisiniers sur place qui préparent des petits plats BIO et selon le régime alimentaire des enfants.Le conceptAccueil familial et personnaliséProjet éducatif basé sur le respect de soi et des autres, les règles de savoir-vivre, l’autonomie, la politesse, l’ouverture sur le monde, le développement de la créativité et de l’imaginaire.Organisation de fêtes tout au long de l’annéeActivités dirigées tout au long de la journée même pour les plus petitsActivités proposées mais non imposéesAccueil d’enfants porteurs de handicap ou avec des intolérances alimentaires, travail en réseau avec des professionnels.(psychologue, psychomotricienne, kinésithérapeute…)Ma 1er Maternelle 1er année de petite section de maternelleOuverture de 7h30 à 19h30 toute l’année sauf fermeture de 2 semaines à Noël. Ouvert juillet et aoûtInscription toute l’annéePour les parentsAccueil personnalisé, conseils sur le développement de l’enfant, partage de connaissances, anecdotesPetites attentions personnalisées tout au long de l’annéeService de conciergerie pour les parentsService traiteurSalle de sport avec équipement Technogym, institut de beauté, sauna et hammam pour les parents.L’environnementPetit groupe de 10 enfants du même âge afin d’évoluer ensembleAménagement intérieur haut de gamme tout en couleur.Environnement sain avec un contrôle strict de la qualité de l’air intérieurUtilisation de produits d’entretien ecolabelRenouvellement tout au long de l’année des jeux et des jouetsCrèche de 400 m2 et Jardin de 4 000 m2 sécurisé, avec différents espaces et structures de motricité car les enfants ont besoin d’espace pour grandir, s’épanouir, danser, sauter ou tout simplement se reposer.Le Jardin de Zébulon n’est pas uniquement un mode de garde mais offre à l’enfant un lieu éducatif et ludique, un lieu de vie et de joie, qui laisse la place à la fantaisie, à la spontanéité, à l’humour et la convivialité. Un lieu où l’enfant vit sa vie d’enfant, construit sa personnalité au travers du jeu et du plaisir de jouer.Bienvenue à tous les petits Zébulons en herbe !!!Le Jardin de Zébulon est une crèche 5 étoilespour des enfants et des parents exigeants
Nathalie M
Le Jardin de Zébulon
Durant cette période difficile (covid) je suis heureuse de voir ma fille souriante et bien entourée. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe.
Le Jardin de Zébulon
We have recently taken our children out the place. It has evolved in the wrong direction: it is overcrowded and they cannot pay enough attention to the babies. They barely do activities with the babies whereas 2 years ago with less babies they had time to do a lot and perform specific follow-up on the babies development. They have increased the price more than 20% in the latest 2 years and the quility has been drasticaly reduced. Check carefully the place and conditions before taking your baby to Jardin de Zebulon.

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60 Rue Clément Ader, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly
Le Jardin de Zébulon