François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement 9 Pl. de Haguenau, 67000 Strasbourg

François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement

42 Avis
  • mercredi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00

François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement 9 Pl. de Haguenau, 67000 Strasbourg

À propos de l'entreprise

Cabinet ZIND avocats Droit Environnement - Strasbourg Paris | Le Cabinet d'avocats Zind à Strasbourg conseille et défend l'ensemble des acteurs mobilisés pour la protection du Vivant : l'Environnement, l'Humain et l'Animal


9 Pl. de Haguenau, 67000 Strasbourg


  • mercredi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • jeudi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • vendredi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00
  • mardi09:00–12:00, 14:00–17:00


  • Toilettes accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toilettes

Avis recommandés

Léa Frison
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
Un avocat engagé et qui fait preuve d’une grande bienveillance
kirupalan sathees
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
Maitre Zind Francois est un excellent avocat. Il y a très bien géré mon dossier et a pu obtenir gain de cause sur mon affaire.C'est un avocat efficace, fiable, de bon conseil, professionnel et pertinent. Un grand merci à vous.
Shana-kay Harriott
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
Great lawyer who doesnt beat around the brush if there is a winning chance or not. Thanks to him I have a success story to share.
Madina Ibragimova
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
J'utilise les services de Maître Zind depuis de nombreuses années. L'impression de son travail il n'est que positive : il comprend parfaitement ce qu'il fait, aborde le problème de manière positive et responsable. Il explique toujours tout en détail et répond à toutes les questions. Je tiens également à souligner que le Maître Zind n'est pas une personne indifférente qui est une qualité très importante dans la réalité d'aujourd'hui.Я пользуюсь услугами Мэтра Зинд уже много лет. Впечатление от его работы положительное:он полностью понимает, что делает,подходит к вопросу ответственно и позитивно. Всегда всё подробно разъясняет и отвечает на все интересующие вопросы. Также хочу отметить, что Мэтр - человек не равнодушный. А это дорогого стоит в сегодняшней реальности.
God own kinsman
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
This this review goes with immense gratitude and respect to François Zind, who has been more than just a lawyer to me over the past several years. François was introduced to me in 2015 by my assistant social when I sought asylum. Although my initial asylum request was rejected, François never gave up on my case.He continued to push forward, believing in the validity of my case, and guiding me through the entire process. We appealed the decision, and he also applied for a residence permit on medical grounds, which was granted. From that point on, François has been a constant source of support and legal assistance for me.Five years ago, when it seemed like all hope was lost, and I was asked to return to my home country, François remained by my side, offering unwavering support and counsel. He understood the challenges I faced, both in terms of my health and immigration status, and he kept pushing for justice.François Zind's dedication to his clients goes beyond what one might expect from a lawyer. He is not just a legal representative; he is a compassionate advocate who genuinely cares about the well-being of his clients. His belief in my case and his relentless pursuit of justice have made a profound difference in my life.Thanks to his expertise and unwavering support, I can now look ahead to a more hopeful and secure future. François Zind is a lawyer who truly makes a difference, and I am immensely thankful for his guidance and unwavering commitment to my case.I wholeheartedly recommend François Zind to anyone in need of legal counsel. He is a dedicated advocate who will provide the strong legal support you need.
Chisimdi Okenna (Julian)
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
As someone who has benefited indirectly from François Zind's services, I've witnessed his dedication and compassion. He stood by my mother when it seemed all hope was lost, providing unwavering support and expert guidance. François is not just a lawyer; he's a true advocate for his clients
Nijat Kazimov
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
There are very few lawyers today who accept their client's problems as their own. Maître François Zind is the most excellent lawyer I know, he fights patiently until the end and can achieve the required result. He solved not only my but also my family's legal problems with precise analysis and was able to get the results I had been waiting for a long time immediately.A perfect person like Emil Zola, Why Zola ? Because, he protected Dreyfus to the end and fought for him and won. I liken Mr. Zind to Zola. I'm sure he is fighting hard for every client. Not only human rights, but also the fact that he is an environmental lawyer is another reason we can be proud of him. Thanks for all, Maitre.
Pscl Grsmr
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
L'avocat de cette maudite association d'inutilité publique appelée à tort Alsace Nature"...subventionnée par la CeA ...Ça suffit : il faut vite leur fermer définitivement le robinet !"
Lina Bhouri
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
Thanks for ur excellent service. I highly recommend
n e a
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement
Nous étions censés avoir M. Zind comme intervenant à l'université, mais il ne s'est pas présenté et visiblement n'a pas pensé qu'il était nécessaire de justifier son absence auprès de nous, les étudiants qui ont perdu des jours à attendre des informations de sa part. Certainement pas professionnel.

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9 Pl. de Haguenau, 67000 Strasbourg
François Zind - Avocat Droit Environnement