Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes Aeroport Nimes Arles Camargues, 30800 Nîmes

Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes

43 Avis
  • jeudi10:00–16:00
  • vendredi08:30–16:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimanche01:00–16:00
  • lundi10:00–16:00
  • mardi10:00–16:00
  • mercredi10:00–16:30

Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes Aeroport Nimes Arles Camargues, 30800 Nîmes

À propos de l'entreprise

Arpt Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes (FNI) Location de Voiture | Enterprise Rent-A-Car | Location voitures et utilitaires à Arpt Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes, Enterprise Rent-A-Car répond à vos besoins. Location et dépôt du véhicule flexible avec de longs horaires d'ouverture.



  • jeudi10:00–16:00
  • vendredi08:30–16:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimanche01:00–16:00
  • lundi10:00–16:00
  • mardi10:00–16:00
  • mercredi10:00–16:30


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • S'identifie comme géré par une femme

Avis recommandés

Tessa Prescillia
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Vendeur désagréable, plus d'une heure de retard !!!
Jonathan Maddock
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
#MissionExpensivePunitive Petrol Prices from Enterprise Rent A Car..I was today charged €2.89/ litre ( which is x2 the usual pump price) AND a €15 'filling charge' too by Enterprise to refill the petrol.See Photo of Refuelling Charges - I was therefore charged a total of €81.52 for just 23 Litres of Petrol!The car could take E5 & E10 too.There are no petrol ⛽ stations after coming off the Toll Road and the Nimes Airport roundabout so you'll need to drive past the Airport and head towards Nîmes to fill up, eg Intermarche at Caissargues a few miles up the road.So add an 15-20 mins extra to allow for refilling before one hands the car back to Enterprise...Otherwise the cost to you of Enterprise filling up the tank for you, is in my opinion incredibly and unreasonably expensive!PS I don't think the Enterprise 'Refuelling Charges' were clearly on display when I picked up the Car from Enterprise at Clermont-Ferrand!?Otherwise I would have noticed them AND taken a photo!The Parking Area or directions to the Enterprise Car Rental Parking are not clearly signposted eitherNB It is NOT in the Main Car Park.On the plus side the Enterprise Staff at Nîmes were very friendly, Miguel & Delphine both speak English, and did ask after me when I was outside the terminal waiting in the cold wind for a Taxi to arrive.The taxi was eventually arranged by OPTEVEN, although I did have to ring Britanina Breakdown Cover back in the UK before Opteven would agree to arrange a taxi for me.NB There are no Navettes /Shuttle Buses between Nîmes Airport and Nîmes Train Station when there are no flights!!!
volny moget
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Très bon service, un ajustement de voiture en fonction des besoins. Essai donc d'une 308 diesel quasi neuve, bon rapport qualité prix. Puis essai d'une Toyota Chr hybride, un record de consommation qui donne envie d'acheter. Disponibilité des conseillers très bien, et même un retour au domicile avec le vendeur, après la location.
philip hardie
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
An abysmal experienceOn 24 June 2018 we arrived at Nîmes airport to pick up a prebooked and prepaid (through HolidayAutos) car from Enterprise. At the desk we were told that no cars were available. When we asked the Enterprise agent what he was going to do about it, he laughed and said we would just have to wait until a car came back. After further protest, he took us to the Hertz desk in the airport, who issued us with a Fiat 500. The Enterprise agent gave us a Customer Compensation Agreement form, to reclaim our money from Enterprise.When we returned to Nîmes airport on 27 June, Hertz charged us for the full cost of their rental. It turned out that they had included extra insurances on the rental, which we had not requested at the Hertz desk, and which we had not included in our original Enterprise booking. We had assumed that the Enterprise agent would have arranged for a like-for-like rental. How wrong that was! The Hertz desk did not give us a quote for their car before issuing it.On returning to the UK, on 28 June I emailed the manager of Nîmes airport Enterprise with scans of all the documents. I received no reply; I emailed again a week later, and was told that the claim had been sent to head office. I then heard nothing from head office or the Nîmes desk, despite repeated email inquiries.Finally, on 14 August I emailed the French national Enterprise Customer Service customer help email address, giving full details, and asking for reimbursement of both the original payment (paid to Enterprise via HolidayAutos) and the cost of the Hertz rental. After a week Customer Service asked me for details of my credit card. I heard no more from them, but I subsequently discovered that on 3 September a payment of 45.24 euros had been made into my credit card account, a small fraction of the amount that I was claiming. No explanation was given of how this figure was arrived at.I then phoned Customer Service to ask for an explanation, and was told that they would look into it, but nothing happened. I then phoned again, this time with the result that on 25 October, 4 months after the ‘incident’, I received an email message informing me that the payment of 45.24 euros was for “the difference between your reservation with Enterprise and the competitor”, excluding the extra insurances and options (which I had not requested from Hertz). This message also told me to apply to HolidayAutos (now Cartrawlers) for reimbursement of the original payment.Cartrawlers tells us that they cannot now consider our claim, because it is more than 90 days since the rental. Had Enterprise bothered to tell us much earlier that we should apply to HolidayAutos, rather than to Enterprise, for that repayment, we would not have lost the prepayment of 152.52 euros. We had assumed that the prepayment would have been passed by HolidayAutos to Enterprise by the time of our arrival in Nîmes, and that we should therefore claim it back from Enterprise.After subtracting the reimbursement of 45.24 euros, I find myself in the position of having paid over 400 euros for three days’ rental of a Fiat 500. Is this a world record?I am left with a very negative impression of Enterprise France at all levels, from the Nîmes airport desk, to the head office for the Nîmes branch, to the national Customer Service. I also feel cheated by the Hertz desk at Nîmes airport. I would rate the service with no stars, if that were possible.My abiding memory of our short holiday in the south of France will be the incompetence and unhelpfulness of Enterprise.
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
mon assistance assurance auto nous diriger vers cette entreprise. tout le personnel a été parfait et d’une gentillesse réconfortante après nos galères automobile.merci à eux pour leur professionnalisme, ça c’est normal mais le petit plus humain, a été apprécié.cordialementmichel gastin toulon
Johann Seys
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Orienté par mon assurance, j'ai eu recours aux services d'Enterprise et j'ai été plus que satisfait de leur prestation. Un véhicule neuf et de bonne qualité, un personnel très agréable et qui va jusqu'à me chercher et me déposer chez moi pour la prise et le retour du véhicule.Je repasserais par eux si jamais je le devais à nouveau !
Pablo Immo
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Après une crevaison et attendre 1h au tel pour rien, je rappelle et l'agence ne répond plus aux appels. 9h30 le samedi matin. Formidable quand on est en vacances sur la route. Professionalisme de pacotille !
Brian Van-Du
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
My recent Enterprise experience at Nimes Airport was a letdown. Slow check-in and disorganized staff made things frustrating. Surprisingly, even though I was first, another customer got served due to being more vocal about their complaints. Not what I expected as a loyal member. Hope Enterprise improves this!Ma récente expérience Enterprise à l'aéroport de Nîmes a été une déception. L'enregistrement lent et le personnel désorganisé ont rendu les choses frustrantes. Étonnamment, même si j'étais le premier, un autre client a été servi en raison de ses plaintes. Pas ce à quoi je m'attendais en tant que membre fidèle. J'espère qu'Enterprise améliore cela !
Juliette Deffreix
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
J ai connue cette société par mon assuranceFélicitations véhicules neufs.Personnel très aimable et à l ecouteIls sont venus me chercher à mon domicile et à la remise de leurs voiture , ils m ont ramener à mon domicile FÉLICITATIONS20/20 je vous conseille de faire appel à cette société
Karim Karim
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Agence Enterprise Rent-A-Car, une agence très satisfait de l'accueil trés sourriant a l'écoute de leur client et surtout des budget pour tout types de location de voitureEt des vehicule irréprochable toute propre interieur comme l exterieurEt je remerci Georgie et hicham de trés bonne personne sociable et sourriant (2008 MDR)
M Conway
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Excellent service and fast. Thanks to Atare for looking after us.
Loic Ulvoas
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes
Ne vous faites pas avoir comme nous. Mauvaise expérience ! Nous avons loué une 308 pour deux semaines. Lors de la prise du véhicule, de nombreux petits défauts ( coups et rayures) et un nettoyage plus qu approximatif . Le personnel hautain et pas trés compétent. Et la cerise sur le gateau? Deux minuscules rayures constatées lorsque l on a rendu le véhicule qui devait certainement y être au début mais passées inaperçues parmi les autres ( tout en bas du pare choc arrière... ). Bizarre quand on sait l utilisation que l on en a eu, la voiture stationnée dans notre cour... Résultat, 180€ supplémentaires à la facture ! Rentable, non? Ça ne m étonnerait pas que le coup soit habituel. Donc ne vous faites pas avoir comme nous, prenez la voiture en photo sous tous les angles lors de la prise du véhicule sinon la facture sera salée. Une trés mauvaise expérience.

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Aeroport Nimes Arles Camargues, 30800 Nîmes
Enterprise Location de voiture - Aéroport Nîmes Alès Camargue Cévennes