BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS

BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS

6 Avis
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  • vendrediOuvert 24h/24
  • samediOuvert 24h/24
  • dimancheFermé
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  • mercrediOuvert 24h/24

BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS

À propos de l'entreprise

Sylvie Mas | Réseau national BSK immobilier : Acheter, louer ou estimer votre bien immobilier partout en France | Spécialiste de la région Montayral, Fumel, Thézac, Blanquefort-sur-Briolance, Bourlens, Condezaygues, Cuzorn, Monsempron-Libos, Soturac, Saint-Front-sur-Lémance, Saint-Vite, Sauveterre-la-Lémance, Trentels



  • jeudiOuvert 24h/24
  • vendrediOuvert 24h/24
  • samediOuvert 24h/24
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundiOuvert 24h/24
  • mardiOuvert 24h/24
  • mercrediOuvert 24h/24


  • Rendez-vous en ligne

Avis recommandés

Francoise Delanis
BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS
Aujourd hui 12 octobre nous venons de signer notre acte de vente Nous adressons à Sylvie les 5 étoiles pour son expérience ,sa gentillesse qui met rapidement en confiance vendeur et acheteur c est vraiment une personne que je recommanderai Nous lui souhaitons de belles ventes à venir
Carrie Nederpel
BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS
In looking for our dream home in France we were extremely lucky to find Sylvie, who guided us through the process with much patience. As a couple from the Netherlands, buying a house in France was a daunting prospect but Sylvie is extremely knowledgeable and always took the time to explain things so we could understand. Her English is excellent and we can honestly say that we would not have been able to buy this amazing house without her!
Roland van Til
BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS
Sylvie gave us fantastic service with our real estate purchase. She is a very friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating agent, nothing is too much trouble for her, definitely a great contact if you are looking to buy or sell property!

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BSK immobilier : Sylvie MAS