Manou du Lac 194 Rte de Talloires Maison K, 74210 Doussard

Manou du Lac

54 Avis

Manou du Lac 194 Rte de Talloires Maison K, 74210 Doussard

À propos de l'entreprise

Location Lac Annecy en Hiver - Manou du Lac Annecy |


194 Rte de Talloires Maison K, 74210 Doussard



  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Rendez-vous en ligne
  • Services sur place
  • Rendez-vous obligatoire

Avis recommandés

Babu v. der Ropp
Manou du Lac
Be aware. We travel a lot, but we never experienced such a scam. The pictures of the living room and kitchen shown above are not part of the rental property. That's where the owner's live. Otherwise than stated the owner's are always around, either smoking in the garden or inviting friends or family for lunch and dinner, sometimes just observing from behind the windows when you are at the pool. You absolutely don't find any privacy at this place. Furthermore the owner's weren't able to operate the pool pump and manage chlorine levels properly. Asking for recommendations around Lac d'Annecy was useless since they're not interested in giving you a good time at all. Expect that they keep parts of your deposit for extra cleaning, no matter how neat you leave the place behind. Horrible hosts.
Myriam Doncarli
Manou du Lac
Un superbe week-end dans cette maison chaleureuse au milieu d'un cadre naturel magnifique.Encore merci à Claire et Jean-Yves pour leur accueil et leurs belles attentions.Nous reviendrons sans hésitation pour retrouver ce cadre mais aussi pour revoir ces propriétaires : une belle rencontre.Bonne continuation à vous et encore merci pour le petit cadeau qui était une attention très touchante.
Manou du Lac
Be warned for these scammers! Misleading pictures and terrible host!We never had such a sad holiday wit our children. Our faith in humans has been broken.Why I strongly discourage this apartment (including hostess):1. Don’t let yourself seduced by all the nice pictures on booking sites. The terraces around the houses are not yours. Even the nice living room at the pool is not yours. Also the BBQ on the picture is not yours. These are all owned and used by the owner. The only part of you is the swimming pool and a little grass field at the backyard that is not shown on the pictures (for a reason of course).2. The “private pool” is not private at all! The hostess of the apartment is continuously watching the guests, so you don’t have any privacy at all. She walks around the pool and is all the day “working” in the garden.3. Chairs and tables are totally end-of-life. The first day, I sat down on a chair and it broke directly. The hostess said she knew that the chairs were old and it was OK. She would bring us new ones. But when we should get back our deposit, she kept our money since we “broke” her chairs.4. We paid €150 for cleaning, but even this is a scam! There are no waste containers available for you as a guest. But, polite and neat we are, we drove a few minutes into the city to dump our waste. However, we did not have enough space left in our car when we left the apartment, so only one bag was left at the apartment. We also put the tableware that we used for the last breakfast in the dish washer. We supposed we did a great job, but unfortunately the owner fines us €50 for the left waste bag and a few plates and cups in the dishwasher.5. We asked the hostess a couple of times to check the apartment at the end of the week together with us to avoid any disagreement when we should get our deposit back. However, she was “busy” all the time and she would come later. When we were home again, the owner wrote us a mail with all the “shortcomings”. According to the owner, towels were gone, glasses were broken, the floor was dirty, chairs were broken, etc. etc. For these false reasons he kept €250 of our deposit. Now it makes sense why the hostess does not want to check together with us.If you still want to book at Manou du Lac, please take photos of everything, check everything, and do not go away before the hostess confirmed that everything is good. Pity that this should, but apparently, this is necessary to protect yourself from being scammed.Probably the owner of this apartment replies on this review that he has “no booking on my name”, “this review is a campaign of the competitor”, and he will thread me by “blocking my account on Google” (like he does to all the negative but true reviews). Therefore, I upload a photo with this review, so everyone can see I really was there.Do your own research and read all the reviews before you book at Manou du Lac. They try to scam you!
Charlotte Guignard
Manou du Lac
Nous avons passé un agréable séjour chez Manou du Lac !J ai rarement vu des hôtes aussi impliqués au bon déroulement de notre séjour !La maison est cosy .spacieuse et très chaudement décoréeElle se situe au calme tout en étant à 2 pas du bout du Lac !La piscine dispose d une sécurité enfant.Idéale pour les familles .Merci à Manou pour son accueil !Super séjourJe recommande vivement.
Michel Feyens
Manou du Lac
Accueil très amical et nombreuses activités à proximité (natation, 2 parcours de golf, promenades, bateau...).Le logement est décoré avec goût et les vues sont fantastiques.On reviendra certainement dans cette magnifique région.Merci pour tout.
Manou du Lac
Nous avons passé un bon séjour à Annecy dans l’ensemble, car c’est un endroit qui propose une multitude d’activités et qui est très beau. En revanche la présence constante Des propriétaires nous a mis mal à l’aise. Je comprend, ils y ont mis beaucoup d’effort pour faire de cette dépendance un lieu chaleureux, et c’est réussi. Mais si ils nous avaient seulement laissé passer des vacances paisibles. Lorsque nous avons choisi ce lieu pour passer nos vacances, nous nous sommes fié à la description, nous avons regardé les avis, ainsi que les photos. En arrivant nous avons simplement été déçu, car nous n’avions tout simplement aucunes intimités car ils étaient à côté! Seulement une porte sépare la partie louée de la partie où les propriétaires habitent. Pardonnez-moi mais la description est très mal écrite et les photos peuvent porter à confusion, cela mérite une rectification. Par ailleurs, leur attitude est très maladroite et trop rigide. Comment Peut-on oser rentrer sans frapper dans notre partie privée, sous prétexte qu’il pleuvait et qu’il fallait penser à fermer les vélux? Nous ne sommes pas des enfants... Je n’ai rien contre les propriétaires et je pense qu’il y a un potentiel dans cet endroit, mais il n’est prêt à être loué, Il faut encore travailler, être plus discret, laisser les locataires passer de bonnes vacances et surtout, je conseil de reprendre des photos, montrer la partie où logent les locataires, de l’intérieur ET de l’extérieur, et pas la maison que l’on vois qui est là maison des propriétaires.Chers propriétaires, soyez transparent pour que vos futurs clients ne soient pas déçu comme nous. Réparez la chasse d‘eau des toilettes et changez de machine à laver, et mettez la piscine aux normes de sécurité, ou alors revoyez vos tarifs. Et faites aussi un état des lieux à l’arrivée et au départ pour qu’il n’y ai pas de désaccord. Allez, courage vous y êtes presque. Cordialement
GLOUX Aurélien
Manou du Lac
Notre séjour vient de se terminer à Manou du Lac. Le logement est très bien agencé avec beaucoup de gout, apaisant, charmant et très bien situé de toutes commodités, piste cyclable et du lac. Le petit plus c'est qu'il y a une terrasse abritée qui surplombe la piscine.Nous avons eu un accueil très chaleureux des propriétaires qui sont gentils et bienveillants.Nous reviendrons avec plaisir!
Sophie Guignard Lacroix
Manou du Lac
Jolie petite maison rénovée au milieu des montagnes et à deux pas du lac d’Annecy. Plein de supers restaurants à quelques kilomètres. Bonne adresse avec très bon rapport qualité prix étant donné les tarifs actuels pour des hébergements autour d’Annecy.
Margot (“margot.d”)
Manou du Lac
Super logement, confortables et aménagés pour 6 personnes.La propriétaire nous a mis à disposition ces vélos et nous avons pu profiter du jacuzzi.Nous recommandons.
Alex Demirdjian
Manou du Lac
Beautiful property located at the southern tip of Lake Annecy, with easy access to the lake, boat rental, bike rental and lovely lake-front restaurants.About the location, it has 3 spacious bedrooms, and the master bedroom has its own bathroom. The rooms are tastefully decorated and had views on the beautiful mountains surrounding the area.The kitchen is well equipped and had everything we needed to prepare our meals. We loved sitting on the outdoor terrace for our meals. We were able to use the gas barbecue. The TV was connected to the local cable provider and provided Netflix connection.The pool was the highlight of the trip for our children and it was great to be able to swim on the property on our own.The hosts offered us a very warm welcome with a nice apéritif to start our holiday. They were extremely helpful in recommending things to do in the area, such as site seeing, restaurant recommendations, where to shop for food, where to rent bikes and boats, which routes to avoid traffic.We had a very relaxing and peaceful get away, which was exactly what we needed.
rolf snijders
Manou du Lac
What should have been a pleasant vacation turned out to be something else. Unfortunately we read the reviews after our stay at Manou du Lac Annecy otherwise we would not went to that place at all. It all starts with the misleading pictures on The beautiful pictures of the outside of the house are not of the part of house that you rent, but are pictures of the house in which the owner lives. There are no pictures of the outside part of the house that you rent at all! Also based on the pictures you think that there is a nice stone barbecue for you to use, however this is not the case. You are not allowed. Moreover, in the advertisement is clearly stated “private pool” However, we had the same unpleasant experience as many of the reviewers. During our stay we were constantly being watched by the owners wife, who lives at the same place. While you are laying at the swimming pool, she is working in the garden just to keep an eye on you. She is complaining about, noise and you taking a glass to the swimming pool because that would be dangerous, which is quite ironic because there are screws all around the swimming pool sticking out of the stones. So please be careful, when you walk with bare feet. The chairs at the swimming pool are very old and fragile, a chair even broke when someone was sitting on it. We turned the chair around and it was previously repaired with new screws. Still they withhold a large amount from our deposit. Most likely they are repairing the chair again and try to do their little scam again with another visitor. This is not all, we paid 150 euros for cleaning of the house. Still the owners had the guts to withhold a part of the deposit because we did not turn the dishwasher on and left 3 garbage bags. For real, why do you pay 150 euros for. What is included? When you are withholding money from the deposit when the dishwasher is not empty and you left a few garbage bags. There is not even a dumpster at the property. I have read that more reviewers experienced the same. So please be aware of their scam, we did not experience them as genuine people, they will try to charge everything on you. We paid 500 euros for the deposit and only received 250 euros so far!
Nathalie Owczarzak
Manou du Lac
Envie de passer un agréable moment près du Lac d'Annecy?Vous avez trouvez l'endroit Idéal.Cette Villa dégage une atmosphère chaleureuse et très vite on s'y sent comme à la maison.Que vous cherchiez à vous détendre ou passer un bon moment entre ami, famille.Chacun y trouvera chaussure à son pied.Je vous recommande vivement,et encore une fois, Merci pour tout :D

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194 Rte de Talloires Maison K, 74210 Doussard
Manou du Lac