BAMBESCH KIDS 82 Rue des Sept-Arpents, 1139 Muhlenbach Luxembourg


15 Avis
  • vendredi07:30–18:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi07:30–18:30
  • mardi07:30–18:30
  • mercredi07:30–18:30
  • jeudi07:30–18:30

BAMBESCH KIDS 82 Rue des Sept-Arpents, 1139 Muhlenbach Luxembourg

À propos de l'entreprise

Crèche au Luxembourg - Crèche Bambesch Kids | Vous cherchez une crèche sympa et bienveillante pour votre bout de chou ? Ne cherchez plus, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Depuis 2012, Crèche Bambesch Kids est là


82 Rue des Sept-Arpents, 1139 Muhlenbach Luxembourg


  • vendredi07:30–18:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi07:30–18:30
  • mardi07:30–18:30
  • mercredi07:30–18:30
  • jeudi07:30–18:30


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Toilettes
  • LGBTQ+ friendly
  • Lieu accueillant pour les personnes transgenres
  • Rendez-vous obligatoire
  • Nouveaux patients

Avis recommandés

Max Biwer
Nos deux garçons étaient dans cette crèche (un y est toujours) et nous sommes très satisfaits depuis le premier jour. Chaque matin on nous ouvre la porte avec sourire et les enfants sont contents d’y aller. Qu’il fasse beau ou mauvais dehors, ils font toujours des activités, que ce soit à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur. Nous apprécions beaucoup qu’ils sortent pratiquement tous les jours avec les enfants et entreprennent régulièrement des excursions.Nous savons que nos enfants sont bien gardés chaque jour! Nous recommandons fortement cette crèche!
Dave Hall Music
Such a wonderful crèche! We feel so privileged to get the individual care and attention for our child from the fantastic caretakers at Bambesch Kids. We love them!
Can only recommend this daycare! With almost five years experience with this place (both our children went to this daycare) and the lovely, caring staff I can only give them my best recommendations. They do so many great activities with the children, and we are met with smiles and open arms each morning, truly invaluable!
Agata Burnatowska
Im very pleased with this creche. My daughter also likes going there. The creche is small and cosy. Children know each others, babysitters are very friendly and warm. They don't changing like in other creche, which is super important for children, specially for the youngest one. The ladies take care of the children, give them attention and time.They adapt to my daughter and my needs when it comes to naps, eating etc.They often organize time for children in an attractive way - they are going to farms, bake cookies and other interesting things.I am glad that my daughter go there.What more? They are near to forest, far from busy street, what is also a big advantage.I definately recommend Creche Bambesch :)
My daughter has been going to Bambesch Kids since 10 months old. We are so happy she is learning Luxembourgish but even more important the caretakers are like extended family to us. We can see they have a bond with the kids and truly care about them. My daughter always goes in with a smile and always happy at the end of the day. Now she is two years old and talking she can tell us all about her fun dat at creche. She talks about her snack, her friends and the songs they sing, playing outside, going to the park, going on a field trip, etc. I like how they do special projects like baking and art projects personalized with handprints. I think they can give really nice personalized attention to each child. It feels more personal than the impression I get from some of the bigger creche options in Luxembourg. Bonus it is on a quiet street near the forest and several parks. When we had a difficult period in our life they were very supportive with us and my daughter to help us through it. I recommend this creche to anyone in Luxembourg who wants their child to be loved and cared for like one of their own.
Frederic Rouesnel
What a shame for a so called family daycare" to behave like they do : emotional blackmail

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82 Rue des Sept-Arpents, 1139 Muhlenbach Luxembourg