Laverie libre service 7 Pl. de la République, 50500 Carentan-les-Marais

Laverie libre service

22 Avis
  • vendredi07:00–21:00
  • samedi07:00–21:00
  • dimanche07:00–21:00
  • lundi07:00–21:00
  • mardi07:00–21:00
  • mercredi07:00–21:00
  • jeudi07:00–21:00

Laverie libre service 7 Pl. de la République, 50500 Carentan-les-Marais

À propos de l'entreprise



Site Web
7 Pl. de la République, 50500 Carentan-les-Marais


  • vendredi07:00–21:00
  • samedi07:00–21:00
  • dimanche07:00–21:00
  • lundi07:00–21:00
  • mardi07:00–21:00
  • mercredi07:00–21:00
  • jeudi07:00–21:00


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Laverie libre service
En ville, pratique pour se garer et faire QQ courses en attendant, appareils faciles à utiliser.
Arlette G.
Laverie libre service
Thierry Bourasseau
Laverie libre service
Très pratique, de nombreuses machines. Propre. Prix raisonnables.
John Laidler
Laverie libre service
Excellent laundrette which accepted my UK bank card. Note washing powder is not automatically included and costs €1 using the bottom button on the pay machine. The powder is then dispensed at a seperate machine on the opposite wall. Much easier and cheaper to bring your own capsule and chuck it in with the washing.There are instructions in English on the wall above the machines. These are worth reading. To get the dryers to do more than one cycle after paying for the first one just press the same button (A, B, C etc) a second time and wave your contactless card over the terminal. We found two 7 minute cycles in one of the big machines on hot was enough to thoroughly dry our towels. You can change the language on the large dryers but I'm not sure of the others.
Sandrine Roptin
Laverie libre service
Un peu cher, mais bien utile
Nathalie Lefaix
Laverie libre service
Très propre et les machines au top enfin du linge vraiment sec et pas chiffone
Jane Purser
Laverie libre service
This is a handy laundrette. Several 7kg, 10 and 18kg washing machines and four dryers (one out of service). Powder may be purchased using the payment panel for purchase, then retrieving it from the dispenser opposite. Once you've chosen the appropriate washing machine you then pay on the same control panel. We paid by contactless but cash is accepted too.The building itself was extremely mucky with lots of dryer 'tumbleweed' across the floor, the waste bin was overflowing, discarded/left behind items on the floor.It's not a place we'd rush back to but it's handy when dealing with power cuts due to Storm Ciaran.
Alain Pionneau
Laverie libre service
Propre, les machines sont récentes. Tres bien.
Marcel Lambert
Laverie libre service
Tarifs correct lavage et celui d u séchage plus éco que le c ourant
Franco Alberganti
Laverie libre service
Dryer B is cold, FIX IT!!! I lost money there. Also my credit card was refused with no reason.

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7 Pl. de la République, 50500 Carentan-les-Marais
Laverie libre service