Vandemoortele Bakery Products France ZA, Diepe, 28700 Garancières-en-Beauce

Vandemoortele Bakery Products France

42 Avis
  • vendredi08:30–17:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–17:30
  • mardi08:30–17:30
  • mercredi08:30–17:30
  • jeudi08:30–17:30

Vandemoortele Bakery Products France ZA, Diepe, 28700 Garancières-en-Beauce

À propos de l'entreprise

Vandemoortele | Vandemoortele est un groupe alimentaire européen de grande importance qui fabrique et vend des produits alimentaires de haute qualité.


ZA, Diepe, 28700 Garancières-en-Beauce


  • vendredi08:30–17:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–17:30
  • mardi08:30–17:30
  • mercredi08:30–17:30
  • jeudi08:30–17:30


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Livraison
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Бързо товарят но много се чака по 3-4 часа. Нямат паркинг
Ленчик Викторовна
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
I stopped along the fence, then went to the reception. The entrance to their office is near the ramps. If you come in and there is no one, you need to press the bell. Give your cmr. The temperature before loading must be at least -15 C. Pallets, unfortunately, still need to be in the trailer. If the pallets are not in the trailer, the company may issue a fine, I was warned about this. It takes an hour to load. there is no toilet or shower. But if you ask them, they can drop it in your toilet. driving under the ramps is not very good, but if there are no trucks yet then it’s easy to drive in. Entry through one gate, exit through another. From the ramp you exit to the right and drive in a circle until you reach the exit.
Gregor B
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Załadunek bokiem wszystko w miarę szybko sprawnie trwało około dwóch godzin Także polecam firmę dojazd dobry blisko autostrady A10
Саша Саша
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Загрузили быстро. Небольшая фирма на углу ворота подъезд к ним звонок. Заезд под рампу. Цмр свой. Коллектив нормальный. Парковка отсутствует. Загрузили быстро. Душ туалет не знаю.
Chamseddine gharbi dit melaouah
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Très rapide personnelle sympa
Mickaël Cleron
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Le dépôt n'est pas pratique
Xlion Scania
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Le monsieur de la Réception super sympa, accueillant et compétant. Merci, chauffeur Denjean
Josef dijou
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Jamais été dans ce lieu
Sebastian K.
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France
Mało miejsca, cofanie pod rampe na prawe lusterko, brak parkingu, plusem jest to, że przy załadunku z wymianą palet, nie trzeba wrzucać ich na naczepe, można zostawić pod rampą

Ajouter un avis


ZA, Diepe, 28700 Garancières-en-Beauce
Vandemoortele Bakery Products France