Trib's 66000 Perpignan


53 Avis
  • vendredi06:00–21:15
  • samedi06:45–20:15
  • dimanche07:00–20:15
  • lundi06:00–20:30
  • mardi06:00–20:30
  • mercredi06:00–20:30
  • jeudi06:00–20:30

Trib's 66000 Perpignan

À propos de l'entreprise



Site Web
66000 Perpignan


  • vendredi06:00–21:15
  • samedi06:45–20:15
  • dimanche07:00–20:15
  • lundi06:00–20:30
  • mardi06:00–20:30
  • mercredi06:00–20:30
  • jeudi06:00–20:30


  • Livraison
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Repas sur place
  • Alcools
  • Bière
  • Cafés
  • Desserts
  • Toilettes
  • Chaleureux
  • Places assises accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Décontracté

Avis recommandés

Emmanuelle Guerre
Ayant le temps, j'ai demandé mon expresso dans une vraie tasse au lieu d'un gobelet en carton pas très ecolo... Et les vendeuses m'ont répondu :avec tous les anglais et les irlandais qui passent à l'aéroport l'été
Natacha Bentz-Weimer
Expérience pas très agréable. Pilier de comptoir accoudé, la vendeuse ni agréable ni souriante, préfère largement discuter avec le pilier de comptoir que de s'occuper de la clientèle. La vendeuse en parlant des prix du tabac avec une autre cliente ah bah ouais c'est pas l'Espagne ici
Francoise Bordet
J'y vais pour acheter du tabac, et l'autre jour, j'ai pris un café, vous avez l'impression de déranger la vendeuse ! Et quand vous lui dites que vous n'avez qu'un billet, on a l'impression qu'elle va vous mordre ! A éviter
claude bacca
Impossibilité d’aller sur la terrasse.L’argument du personnel les gens sont trop sales et on ne veut pas nettoyer.
Agnes Sa
Très beau magasin, tenu par des personnes très sympa et souriant. On y trouve de la presse des livres des cigarettes, de quoi se restaurer sur place avec sandwich, salade et dessert préparés sur place. Je vous invite vivement, si vous êtes de passage, à vous arrêtez boire un café, thé..
Cyril Peron
Accueil catastrophique !!!.A peine bonjour, pardon je dérange...Taxi, t'a roulé toute la nuit, t'attend 5h15 parce qu'on t'a dit d'attendre...Passé 5h15 t'attends encore, il faut finir les magazines...Bref... à chaque fois, à n'importe quel moment on dérange.
Rob Voerman
Thjs place has moved to the airport and these are the reviews you see, I went in there as I was waiting for a passenger, got a coffee and tried to sit outsid but the terrace was so dirty and sticky I proceeded to sit on step of airport, went back in after a while and mentioned it to girl and she said it's the tourists that make a mess??.I THEN go get a water from fridge and see some Rugby world cup mugs and pick one up to look, the label of the other is stuck and it's at on such an angeled shelve it falls to ground, I am looking at till man in surprise, he hollars over to manager sitting in back who cones out, I try to explain hey the label is sticking from the other box, he proceeds to tell me, I suppose it just got wings and fell, I said to him to come tell me that on this side of the counter and suddenly he is Merde foreigner???. I was straight up F you and walked off, if he was half decent I would happely of paid if it was my fault but the little coward went straight back in his hovel and sat there doing zero, I waited around hoping he would come to front of shop as I was quite happy to show him the nonsense, on top of t hi is in the 2 hours I as there the stock in boxes in from of fridge just lay there
Robert Andrew Waite
Bizarre expérience living opposite this place for a number of months last year. Very violent, they seem to want a clientèle let’s say ill or socially backward! Having formed a friendship with one of the waitresses ( and upon doing so getting informed to keep it discrète by the said waitress as people here are jealous) I was treated to weeks of tirades of insults by her colleagues , refused service for being , I quote « too friendly and possibly in love  » by one other waitress and followed a number of times to my home flat of the time by other customers acting what can only be described as small time pimps or petty criminals threatening me if i get any closer to my then friend ; they would harm me or her. All with added personal insults as regards my looks and feelings of my friend toward me who worked there?To top it all my girlfriend of the time seemed to be the target of constant physical abuse by other customers, colleagues and dealers who roam often in the establishment and SNCF workers and all with bruises visable for all to see? It was one of the few let’s say better establishments in the area of the town, so you can perhaps imagine the area isn’t the greatest place on Earth! It seems the local custom here is to have an overbearing and unhealthy interest in the private lives of others rather than having one for yourself, all possibly due to the seriousness in nature of the area's collective problems of deliquents purely as they have nothing better to do with their time, fear of outsiders and social decay. To make matters even worse the lady responsible ( if that isn’t a contradiction of terms for a place like this) would just laugh in a strangely uncontrolled and delirious manner, as if to be slightly drugged herself on something , when and if you raised the many serious faults about the place and cafe.Luckily both myself and friend concerned got out in the end, but to a traveller or any other potential future customers to this place i’d say stay well away and find somewhere else to wait for your next trip!! Perpignan and it’s area are much bigger and better than what this place and group of people would have you believe !
François de Menou
HonteuxAccueil miserable, refusant de donner de l'eau en pleine canicule alors que nous avons consommer plusieurs sandwichsLes gérants font attention à la moindre dépenses et ne font rien si ça ne leur rapporte pas.
Bruno Drouillard
Cher et pas terrible. Allea au sous sol de la gare TGV petit supermarché G20 vous aurez la meme chose a moitier prix

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66000 Perpignan