Yoda Fight School 88 Bd Albert Camus, 49100 Angers

Yoda Fight School

16 Avis

Yoda Fight School 88 Bd Albert Camus, 49100 Angers

À propos de l'entreprise

Yoda Fight School - École d'Arts Martiaux à Angers - JJB / NOGI / MMA | La Yoda Fight School est une académie de Jiu Jitsu Brésilien (JJB), Grappling et Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) ouverte et adaptée à tous, dans la ville d'Angers.


88 Bd Albert Camus, 49100 Angers



  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Ada Ada
Yoda Fight School
My powers have doubled since I last went here
Maël Thömmes
Yoda Fight School
Do it, or do ot not. There is no try~Yoda~
Connor Leclaire
Yoda Fight School
it was good until the clones came....
Aydin Rafiq Bin Fariz
Yoda Fight School
Trained here, I did. A master, I became. Shot by clones, I was.
Anakin Skywalker
Yoda Fight School
I had a great run at this place.Master kenobi taught me everything I needed to know.But he had the high ground and we all know what happened to me.(coooooughhh caghhhhhh)Anyway I enjoyed being enslaved here at a young age along with others to be raised as a fighting machine. It was fun to kill all those younglings.
Khai MacFarlane
Yoda Fight School
Went there ce back a jedi master so yeah
Salvador Gonzalez
Yoda Fight School
Become master,i did

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88 Bd Albert Camus, 49100 Angers
Yoda Fight School