Trillium International School 9 Rue de la Sabotte, 78160 Marly-le-Roi

Trillium International School

28 Avis
  • vendredi08:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:00–17:00
  • mardi08:00–17:00
  • mercredi08:00–11:45
  • jeudi08:00–17:00

Trillium International School 9 Rue de la Sabotte, 78160 Marly-le-Roi

À propos de l'entreprise

Mission Statement | trillium |


9 Rue de la Sabotte, 78160 Marly-le-Roi


  • vendredi08:00–17:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:00–17:00
  • mardi08:00–17:00
  • mercredi08:00–11:45
  • jeudi08:00–17:00


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

janine springall
Trillium International School
Our children had all of the teachers at the school before the school was opened in another school. Both of our boys loved all of them and they way they teach in the classroom. I can highly recommend the school.
Teigan Margetts
Trillium International School
Trillium was such an incredible school! Our children only attended one term but they have absolutely thrived … I think our 6 year old learnt more in 10 weeks at Trillium than in his entire 2.5 years at another school.We will be forever grateful to the Trillium team for all they have done, and we are already working on a plan to come back to France so we can send them to Trillium again!
Darya Zhuravel Rouault
Trillium International School
My 4 year old daughter is attending the Trillium International School and we couldn’t be happier.First of all, it’s a small class of 9 children with an amazing teacher (Miss M) who has decades of international experience and just genuinely loves children.I can’t think of a better person to take care of and teach my strong-willed, dynamic and fast-developing child. Her teacher is so attentive to every kid, she has a very nice and caring way to give the children so much needed structure and guidance. They learn so much every day in a very fun and playful way (I guess the only way possible at this age!) We, as attentive and most of us helicopter parents, receive a lot of feedback about what’s going on in class and also about our child on a daily basis.A couple of things need to be said about the principal.I met Audrey before she opened the Trillium School and she impressed me with her passion.She cares about every child who attends her school as if she/he was her own.She is very trustworthy and will never promise something she cannot deliver (a quality that not all school principals have). She is very straightforward and honest, I highly appreciated that! Everything is transparent, the communication is perfect.She works day and night to keep her school running well and I gave her full credit for that. Such a hard-working intelligent lady she is. In my opinion Audrey managed to take the best out of the both French and British schooling systems.From my personal experience it’s a great school environment with trustworthy caring professionals.I would highly recommend it to everybody searching for a small school that could adapt and be attentive to one’s child’s needs and also be of a very high educational standard.
Ludovic Fernez
Trillium International School
J'ai décidé de faire confiance à cette jeune école qui venait d'ouvrir, en lui confiant mes deux enfants. Tout se passait bien jusqu'a ce qu'un different nous oppose avec la direction. Une école Montessori est censé enseigner aux enfants la résolution des problèmes. Malheureusement ce n'est pas une compétence dont dispose la direction pour le moment vu la façon dont nous avons été traités. Il reste de très gros efforts à faire coté relation client.Ceci étant dit, je suis reconnaissant du travail fait par les deux enseignantes de year 1 et year 2 2017/2018 a qui je dédie mon étoile. Je ne peux les nommer ici mais elles se reconnaîtront.
Perle Liebmann
Trillium International School
We simply love this school as our daughter :-) Mr Mark and Ms Jenny are lovely and really engaged teachers :-)
Stu French
Trillium International School
An absolutely exceptional schooling experience for our young boys in every possible way. A passionate, inspiring, and engaging cohort of teachers and such a wonderful collection of families have really created the perfect school. We can highly recommend Trillium to anyone seeking an English-speaking school in Paris. Our kids rated it 10/10" from their first day and their academic progress has been just as good. Truly faultless."
Alexis Braud
Trillium International School
My children are in this school and they are so happy. They love their teachers. Teachers are very nice and always here if we need to talk. I would recommend it.
Dominique Leroux
Trillium International School
Mes petits enfants sont scolarisés dans cette école internationale. L’accueil est très chaleureux lorsque je viens les chercher. Le corps enseignant ainsi que la direction sont vraiment dévoués à la cause des enfants. La taille humaine de cette école joue beaucoup sur le bien être des petits. Les enfants sont heureux d'être ici. Je recommande aux parents cherchant une structure de petite taille, qui s'adaptera aux besoins de votre enfant.
Carmelo Munoz
Trillium International School
I move from Spain this year and was worried about my girl starting mid year. the staff at Trillium, and especially the Principle did everything they could to help us be happy.A beautiful school and genuine friendly staff.Because of small class sizes my daughter gets much 1 on 1 attentions and her English has improved, she is also beginings to pick up french, in just a few months!
Dahani Fernando
Trillium International School
Excellent teaching methods , innovative and truly helps children's progress. I know the teachers and I truly recommend the investment for quality teaching in this school. The principal is very kind and hardworking.

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9 Rue de la Sabotte, 78160 Marly-le-Roi
Trillium International School