Le Bar Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Av. Montaigne, 75008 Paris

Le Bar

170 Avis
  • vendredi18:00–02:00
  • samedi18:00–02:00
  • dimanche18:00–00:30
  • lundi18:00–00:30
  • mardi18:00–00:30
  • mercredi18:00–00:30
  • jeudi18:00–02:00

Le Bar Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Av. Montaigne, 75008 Paris

À propos de l'entreprise

Le Bar - Hôtel Plaza Athénée | Dorchester Collection | Entrez dans l’histoire d’un Palace a l’hieritage singulier, ou tout n’est que luxe, voluptie et fieerie. Crieez des souvenirs impierissables a l'Hotel Plaza Athieniee.


Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Av. Montaigne, 75008 Paris


  • vendredi18:00–02:00
  • samedi18:00–02:00
  • dimanche18:00–00:30
  • lundi18:00–00:30
  • mardi18:00–00:30
  • mercredi18:00–00:30
  • jeudi18:00–02:00


  • Cartes de crédit
  • Cartes de paiement
  • Livraison
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Repas sur place
  • Toilettes accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Alcools
  • Bière
  • Cocktails et apéritifs
  • Spiritueux
  • Vin
  • Toilettes
  • Chaleureux
  • Groupes
  • Réservations acceptées
  • Places assises accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Wi-Fi
  • Vente à emporter
  • Places assises
  • Excellents cocktails
  • Haut de gamme
  • Bien pour danser
  • Service de restauration
  • Restauration au bar

Avis recommandés

Lucas D-
Le Bar
I was made to feel very uncomfortable when the staff told me and my brothers that we were not well dressed enough to sit in this bar. This is especially surprising as I was lead all the way into the bar by another member of staff from the hotel (waitress at the terrace).After she dropped us off at the bar, the staff there looked looked at us from top to bottom like we were disgusting, then made the comment loudly in front of the other customers that we weren't welcome.The dress code policy should be revised: we were wearing smart, clean shorts on a day where it was 35 degrees celsius outside which is hardly an 'attentat à la pudeur'. Most 5-star hotels, in France, UK and USA have updated their policies to a casual dress code, keeping smarter requirements to evening restaurants only. This reflects current expectations, especially from younger customers like us.If the Plaza Athenee prefers to resist this trend, then at least staff should be properly trained to avoid making potential customers feel humiliated in public. Today, the Dorchester collection lost 3 customers unnecessarily.I also note that the majority of reviews posted in the last 6 months refer to this issue, as well as racial discrimination.
Rafael M
Le Bar
The entrance and the restaurant are exquisite. Every detail has been taken into account and the final result is great. Yet the bar is definitely not what a palace should offer. The atmosphere feels antique and not in the good way, the decoration is not at its peak (sofas look very used, bad lighting, furniture not organised). Plus the cocktails and the service are not great either. It was a big disappointment overall.
Olivier Bernard
Le Bar
The pros : great cocktails, great decor, great atmosphere, attentive service
Le Bar
My comments are being deleted. They are clearly racist and don’t take ownership of their behavior maybe I need to go on social media to talk about it ! ;)I went to the bar last Saturday. I received good treatment from the staff at first. As soon as my friends arrived, the behavior changed due to their race. The staff became unpleasant. Clearly indicating that we were not welcome. We were seated at a table and wanted to go to the bar. We were denied access to the bar with lame excuses that only hotel guests could pass.An hour later I met a friend who had just returned from the bar and she explained that this was totally false and that anyone could go in. You can look in the comments with few stars it's absolutely not the first time it happens. This is absolutely disgusting behavior!
Tracy sow
Le Bar
Bonjour, j’espère que mon commentaire mettra la lumière sur les discriminations raciales que pratiques cette établissement.J’y suis aller samedi soir avec mes copines, j’y ai croisé dans la foulée une très bonne amie à moi accompagné de ses amies. Je tiens à préciser que mon est amie est métisse et que les personnes avec lesquelles elle est venue sont noires. Je lui avais conseillé l’endroit car mon expérience au plaza s’était toujours bien passé jusqu’à samedi. Arrivée dans l’établissement, j’ai très vite remarqué qu’il y avait un problème car mon amie avait été installé à l’écart avec ses copines à l’extérieur du bar ce qui n’a pas grand intérêt.Elle m’explique qu’elle est arrivée en première et a un reçu un bon traitement du serveur puis aussitôt que ses copines sont arrivées, le comportement du staff a très vite changé leur faisant savoir qu’elles n’étaient pas les biens venues. On les a installés à une table isolé sur le côté….. lorsqu’elle ont demandé à accédé au bar le physio un monsieur de petite taille et chauve leur a indiqué que le bar était réservé uniquement au résident de l’hôtel…. ce qui n’est pas vrai car ça fait 2 ans je fréquente le bar et je peux vous confirmer qu’il est ouvert à tous public.Je constate que mon récit fait échos au précédent commentaires, cela confirme donc le fait que l’établissement a l’habitude de pratiquer ce genre de pratique inhumaine.Ayant deux témoins moraux, je vous informe qu’une plainte sera déposée pour discrimination raciale, je vous rappelle que celle-ci est passible de 3 ans de prison et de 45.000 euros d’amende et portée à 5 ans de prison et à 75.000 euros d’amende lorsqu’elle est effectuée dans un lieu recevant du public."Bonne continuation."
siham zraoula
Le Bar
Hôtesse très froide qui nous a directement refoulé car on n’est pas clients. Indigne de ce type d’endroit. Finalement, on ne regrette pas car on est parti au George 5 et l’accueil a été exquis!
Daven Knapp
Le Bar
absolutely not worth it, go to the ritz bar instead! the decorhas absolutely cheapened a once beautiful bar and the service is atrocious. my mother and i tried to get drinks and had to walk out. we walked into the nearly empty bar and sat down and i was immediately told that where we were sitting was reserved for hotel guests. not that there’s a problem with that, but there was no indicator and the waiter was rather rude about it. we then waited for about 15 minutes for a manager to basically ask “what do you want” we ordered a cocktail, a glass of rose, and some waters. 20 minutes later we had recieved nothing while everyone around us was pointedly getting served. we got the hint and walked out without our drinks. we were very well dressed in long dresses and done up for a nice dinner, so it wasn’t our appearance that was the issue. i recommend the shangri-la or the ritz for drinks as the service at these places is wonderful and you do not feel like a burden.
Yasmine Safadi
Le Bar
I visited the bar and had an amazing time. From the moment I stepped in, the atmosphere was lively and energetic. The DJ kept the crowd entertained with an excellent selection of music throughout the night.The cocktails were absolutely delicious. The bartenders clearly know their craft and created some of the best drinks I've ever tasted. Whether it was a classic cocktail or a unique creation (black mojito) each drink was expertly mixed and beautifully presented.The staff was attentive and friendly, always ready to assist and provide recommendations.Overall, I highly recommend Le Bar to anyone looking for a fantastic night out In Paris. I can't wait to visit again soon!
Le Bar
Classy place with even classier drinks!The inside of the bar is stunning. When we sat down they brought us bar snacks to go with our drinks. The server was very personable and made a drink to match my dress.The drinks tasted great and they even brought out shots on the house for my birthday. I highly recommend this bar for an elevated drinking experience. Our server Luca provided excellent service and recommendations.

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Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Av. Montaigne, 75008 Paris
Le Bar