Salsa Con Ti 1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris

Salsa Con Ti

14 Avis
  • vendredi10:00–22:00
  • samedi10:00–20:00
  • dimanche10:00–20:00
  • lundi10:00–22:00
  • mardi10:00–22:00
  • mercredi10:00–22:00
  • jeudi10:00–22:00

Salsa Con Ti 1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris

À propos de l'entreprise



1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris


  • vendredi10:00–22:00
  • samedi10:00–20:00
  • dimanche10:00–20:00
  • lundi10:00–22:00
  • mardi10:00–22:00
  • mercredi10:00–22:00
  • jeudi10:00–22:00


  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Services sur place
  • Convient aux enfants
  • Cours en ligne

Avis recommandés

Bernard Lee
Salsa Con Ti
It breaks my heart to write this review, given that Alexandra really seems like someone who is passionate about teaching and about salsa, but I have no choice but to leave a negative review. I sincerely hope that this is a one-time occurence and that what happened to me will not happen to others.I first signed up for a course with Alexandra in September 2020. It was quickly put on hold due to a general lockdown in France in October 2020. Students who paid with a check were told that their checks would not be cashed. I paid in cash, so I asked for a refund.On 03/11/2020, Alexandra said she will try to process a refund when possible.On 31/01/2021, she said that she will reach out to me pending certain outstanding payments.On 26/04/2021, I asked for an update. She confirmed the refund but said that she would prefer to give me the refund in person, so we have to wait until the lockdown ended.On 16/08/2021, I asked for an update after seeing many promotional emails from Alexandra, but no update on the refund. I received no response.On 13/09/2021, I asked for an update after seeing many promotional emails from Alexandra, but no update on the refund. I received no response.On 15/09/2021, I asked for an update after seeing many promotional emails from Alexandra, but no update on the refund. She responded by saying that she will get back to me by the end of the week. I received no response by the end of the week, and indeed no response by the end of 2021.On 09/01/2022, I asked for an update. She replied saying that she will attempt to process the refund by the end of the season. I proposed a deadline of 10/04/2022 as an attempt to prevent the refund from being further delayed. I received no response.On 06/10/2022, I spoke with Alexandra in one of her classes. Mindful that she was running late from her previous class, I suggested that we continue our conversation later.On 13/10/2022, Alexandra emailed me explaining why there had been a delay. I did not find the explanation convincing, nor is the explanation relevant to why she had ignored my emails and failed to provide any timely update for the last two years. She also said that a refund would be available in six weeks if I indeed want a refund. I confirm that I indeed want a refund.On 05/12/2022, I emailed with a reminder on the refund. I received no response.I wrote this review as of January 2023. I have waited 26 months for a refund that Alexandra has confirmed in multiple instances. I have also attempted to contact her on multiple occasions and received no responses. For these two reasons, I have to leave a low review.I would like to add three closing remarks:1. I give my full support to artists and small businesses, who have been greatly impacted by covid. However, the pandemic should not have affected Alexandra's ability to communicate. A proactive email update would have been the minimum, but for 26 months I have had to chase to (sometimes) get a response.2. There are many public and private initiatives in France to help artists and small businesses. Even if those are insufficient, it is not right to unilaterally withhold the funds from a private individual for the benefit of the company.3. Before I witnessed the lack of professionalism and communication over the past 26 months, if Alexandra had simply explained to me the financial difficulty that the company might have been facing, I might have agreed to cancelling the refund request. I try to make other people's lives easy, as long as they treat me with a minimum level of respect. By failing to communicate, Alexandra has taken an antagonistic attitude, and put me in a position where I have to constantly email to get an update on the refund. This is not fun for anyone involved, and turned out to be a big waste of time.
Julien Leta
Salsa Con Ti
Après avoir fait la tournée des cours de salsa cubaine à la rentrée, j'ai vite vu que Salsa Con Ti était l'un des meilleurs choix pour l'apprentissage et la pratique des danses latines. Alexandra, qui assure les cours, est un vrai professeur dans le sens où elle décompose réellement les techniques qu'elle enseigne, dispense de nombreux conseils et sait adapter le contenu de ses cours au niveau des pratiquants.Pour chaque pas et chaque passe, on a droit à la partie de la fille où l'accent est mis sur le style ainsi que la partie du garçons, où c'est surtout le guidage qui est souligné. Alexandra accorde autant d'attention aux deux partis et elle sait aussi bien enseigner l'art de guider que celui d'être guidé. L'ordre des techniques enseignées est progressif en complexité tout comme la vitesse des morceaux sur lesquels on s'exerce.Les cours de Salsa Con Ti sont une excellente option pour partir du bon pied dans l'apprentissage des danses latines en se constituant des bases solides. L'aspect progressif du programme en fait également un très bon choix pour les danseurs confirmés. En cours, en stage et en soirée, l'ambiance est conviviale. Pour toutes ces raisons, je recommande vivement cette école de danse.
Salsa Con Ti
Bon stage, professeure pédagogue dans une bonne ambiance!
Salsa Con Ti
Cours de très bonnes qualités... une bonne ambiance et prof au top...à recommander...
Claire Bouchet
Salsa Con Ti
Il y a une ambiance comme nulle part ailleurs. J'ai beaucoup apprécié l'accueil d'Alexandra lorsque je me suis glissée dans le groupe en cours d'année. Chaque cours est très riche et imprégné de transmission et de culture. J'adore!!!
Laila Richard
Salsa Con Ti
Alexandra est une super prof!Patiente, au delà des pas"
Julien Eyriès
Salsa Con Ti
Alexandra est une prof passionnée par la danse et la culture latine. Son enseignement est très accessible pour un débutant. Mention spéciale aux soirées Salsa Con Ti qui m’ont permis de prendre confiance en moi.

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1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris
Salsa Con Ti