Statue d'Étienne Marcel 1341 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris

Statue d'Étienne Marcel

31 Avis
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Statue d'Étienne Marcel 1341 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris

À propos de l'entreprise



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1341 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris


  • vendrediOuvert 24h/24
  • samediOuvert 24h/24
  • dimancheOuvert 24h/24
  • lundiOuvert 24h/24
  • mardiOuvert 24h/24
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  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Kemal Can
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
Étienne Marcel was provost of the merchants of Paris under King John II of France, called John the Good. He distinguished himself in the defense of the small craftsmen and guildsmen who made up most of the city population.
Hy Droid
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
En pleine guerre de 100 ans, conflit opposant français et anglais. Étienne Marcel est assassiné par les parisiens qui lui reprochent d'être allé trop loin dans son opposition à la monarchie française et est accusé d'avoir voulu livrer la ville aux Anglais.Comment la ville de Paris n'a pas encore retiré la statue de ce traitre à la nation !?!
Constantin Ciocan
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
Din Wikipedia că Etienne Marcel, fiul unui parizian vânzător de stofe, în 1355,pe timpul Războiului de 100 de ani, a ajuns un personaj istoric. Mai întâi a fost ales conducătorul comercianților și administrator al Parisului. În aceste poziții el a luptat împotriva unor măsuri regale și pentru interesele clasei pe care o reprezenta. În cele din urmă, în turbulențele din anul 1358, a fost asasinat chiar de un prieten.Statuia amplasată lângă Primăria Parisului a fost realizată în 1880 de sculptorul Laurent Marqueste.
ashok kumar Yadav
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
One of the must see place. Side by seine river. The site is surrounded by nice restaurants and happy crowed.
Gilles Callot
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
La statue d’Etienne Marcel, magnifiée par les magnolias !
Jean-Paul Fousse
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
Très jolie statue...à voir si l'on est dans le coin
AbedAlrazaq Sultan
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
The Statue d'Étienne Marcel is an equestrian statue of Étienne Marcel, the Provost of the Merchants of Paris from 1355 to 1358. It is located on the south side of the Hôtel de Ville de Paris, in the 4th arrondissement of Paris.The statue was commissioned in 1882 and was completed in 1888. It was created by the sculptors Jean-Antoine-Marie Idrac and Laurent Marqueste. Idrac died in 1884, so Marqueste completed the statue based on Idrac's sketches and models.The statue depicts Marcel in full armor, mounted on a rearing horse. He is holding a sword in his right hand and a scroll in his left hand. The scroll is inscribed with the words Pour le salut du peuple" (For the salvation of the people).Marcel was a popular figure in Paris during the 14th century. He was a champion of the common people and led a revolt against the dauphin
Yeonheung Kim
Statue d'Étienne Marcel
It’s the best restaurant in France !Their service is so excellent
yves Kuraco
Statue d'Étienne Marcel

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1341 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville, 75004 Paris
Statue d'Étienne Marcel