Floating Bridge 3 Cale Maréchal Montgomery, 14117 Arromanches-les-Bains

Floating Bridge

22 Avis
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Floating Bridge 3 Cale Maréchal Montgomery, 14117 Arromanches-les-Bains

À propos de l'entreprise



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3 Cale Maréchal Montgomery, 14117 Arromanches-les-Bains


  • vendrediOuvert 24h/24
  • samediOuvert 24h/24
  • dimancheOuvert 24h/24
  • lundiOuvert 24h/24
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  • Convient aux enfants

Avis recommandés

CMB Caspanello
Floating Bridge
A floating bridge in its former glory. You can get close to this one for photos before seeing the other than are degrading in the ocean.
Jean Michel Berrier
Floating Bridge
Lieu chargé d'histoire.
Luciana de Magalhaes Nunes
Floating Bridge
Esta parte de un puente flotante se usó como parte de Mulberry B durante la Operación Overlord. Se construyó a partir de Arromanches en Gold Beach en el sector británico. Cada puerto, cuando estaba en pleno funcionamiento, tenía capacidad para mover 7.000 toneladas de vehículos y suministros por día desde el barco hasta la costa.
Floating Bridge
Pont flottant restauré qui permet de voir de très près à quoi cela ressemblé
Florence P
Floating Bridge
Passerelle de route flottante du port artificiel d'Arromanches : Mulberry Harbor"
Gina P Punkt
Floating Bridge
Schwimmende Brücke des künstlichen Hafenprovosoriums von Arromanches, genutzt während der Landung der Alliierten im Juni 1944. Bei einer Länge von 24 Metern wiegt sie etwas mehr als 28 Tonnen. Diese von Ingenieur Allan Beckett (Denkmal nebenan) entworfenen Brücken, die auf Stahlpontons ruhen, ermöglichten die Verbindung der Kais mit der Küste.
Andy Mills
Floating Bridge
Gives you an insight of the mulberry harbor.
monica pronzini
Floating Bridge
Historical bridge in the corner of the beach. Can be seen from very close but it is forbidden to get on it.
Cori Harper
Floating Bridge
Used in Gold Beach from the British. Still there and great reminder of all the planning needed to execute this mission. Like that parts of history is still in the bay. With the tide out can walk out to them and see how big they are and when tide comes in you can see how they would have floated. Take an hour and marvel in how advanced we were 80 years ago.
PANZER Insight
Floating Bridge
Arromanches was selected as one of the sites for two Mulberry Harbours built on the Normandy coast, the other one built further West at Omaha Beach. Sections of the Mulberry Harbour at Arromanches still remain today

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3 Cale Maréchal Montgomery, 14117 Arromanches-les-Bains
Floating Bridge