Gaëlle Aubin

Gaëlle Aubin

14 Avis
  • mercredi09:00–18:00
  • jeudi09:00–18:00
  • vendredi09:00–18:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–18:00
  • mardi09:00–18:00

Gaëlle Aubin

À propos de l'entreprise

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  • mercredi09:00–18:00
  • jeudi09:00–18:00
  • vendredi09:00–18:00
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi09:00–18:00
  • mardi09:00–18:00


  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Toilettes accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Services sur place
  • Cours en ligne

Avis recommandés

Gaëlle Aubin
I reached Gaëlle thanks to the recommendation of a friend who had prepared for the C1 exam with her and who had a very good preparation process. My goal was to both not forget and improve the French I learned in high school, while taking the exam. At first, I was very nervous and shy about speaking French. But Gaëlle was such a professional and patient teacher that I looked forward to our lessons every week. My speaking and writing skills has improved a lot as the weeks went by. In addition to that, when she learned my goals, she created a program that was suitable for my level and that we could get maximum efficiency in the short time we had (I started taking the lessons in September 2021 and the exam was in February 2022). The detailed notes she sent me after all of our lessons helped me a lot in realizing my errors (especially the ones that I repeat very often!). She was very caring, patient, and understanding in all matters. I not only passed the exam with a high score but also improved my knowledge of French a lot. It was very enjoyable to spend this process with her and since she is knowledgeable in many subjects, she added many writers, podcasts, songs, and TV series to my life so that I can integrate French more into my daily life even after our lessons ended. She was a teacher who helped me a lot in reaching my goals and whose teaching approach was very suitable for me in every sense.
Claudia Pama
Gaëlle Aubin
I cannot recommend Gaëlle highly enough if you are looking for a professional, effective teacher and translator who is also kind and patient (something that was definitely required for me!). She goes out of her way to create a plan together that works for you, and because of this I managed to obtain the desired results.
Aksarin Sukkongcharatpong
Gaëlle Aubin
Cela fait un an que je prends des cours avec Gaëlle. Et j'ai atteint mes objectifs. Je viens d'obtenir le DALF C1 du premier coup. Et j'ai gagné beaucoup en confiance. Je n'arrivais pas à apprendre le français toute seule, ou avec mon copain, car je ne réussissais pas à rester motivée. Puis je ne savais pas que faire pour m'améliorer. Elle est très patiente, encourageante et professionnelle. Les cours sont toujours amusants. Je la conseille à mes amis et je vous la conseille aussi !.It's been a year that I take courses with Gaëlle. And I've achieved my goals. I've just got DALF C1 on the first try. And I'm much more confident. I couldn't learn French alone, or even with my boyfriend, because I couldn't stay motivated. Plus, I didn't know how to improve my skills. She is very patient, supportive and professional. The classes are always fun. I recommend her to my friends, and I recommend her to you as well!
Innie W
Gaëlle Aubin
I've thoroughly enjoyed Gaëlle's classes since our first conversation. She always gives practical tips to use the French language and is a real joy to speak with! She is resourceful, kind and curious as a teacher and I do not feel embarrassed to ask her any questions about the language which can sometimes happen in language classes! Merci Gaëlle!
lorraine guillemin
Gaëlle Aubin
un grand merci pour la correction de ma thèse, avec justesse et rapidité !
Harriet Mancey
Gaëlle Aubin
Gaëlle est une professeure très pédagogue et très humaine. Elle m'a beaucoup aidé en corrigeant mes écrits professionnels et dans mes démarches professionnelles comme le français est ma deuxième langue. C'est une professionelle attentionnée et bienveillante..Merci beaucoup Gaëlle.
Lionel Carayon
Gaëlle Aubin
J'ai pris des cours avec Gaëlle Aubin, car je souhaitais écrire des articles de blog. J'avais besoin d'un soutien pour écrire des phrases correctes, respectant la syntaxe de la langue française et ces fameuses règles de français que j'ignorais !Par ses qualités de prof et ses corrections Gaëlle m'a permis de prendre conscience de mes erreurs et m'a donné les outils nécessaires pour m'améliorer.Je la recommande donc à tous ceux qui souhaitent se perfectionner dans leur projet d'écriture professionnel avec un coaching, des ressources, des corrections et si besoin des cours particuliers avec bilan à l'appui.

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Gaëlle Aubin