Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau 48 Rue Guérin, 77300 Fontainebleau

Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau

18 Avis
  • mercredi08:30–12:30
  • jeudi08:30–17:30
  • vendredi08:30–17:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–17:30
  • mardi08:30–17:30

Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau 48 Rue Guérin, 77300 Fontainebleau

À propos de l'entreprise

The Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau | The English-speaking Section of the International Campus |


48 Rue Guérin, 77300 Fontainebleau


  • mercredi08:30–12:30
  • jeudi08:30–17:30
  • vendredi08:30–17:30
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundi08:30–17:30
  • mardi08:30–17:30


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Nonna Yobiznus
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
Of the few other reviews made here, and several have no comment, some are made by Board Members (Dagmara) and past Board members (Sarah) and in the time since I made my original post, others have been encouraged to make supportive comments in an attempt to nullify my review.Section Anglophone is not a school, as the disclaimer on their website clearly states.It is a club, and those who are on the in stand by each other.Most families leave SA because the social interaction is intense if you're not the right sort of people.SA ISN'T A SCHOOL.Your children are attending French public school but you are paying for limited anglophone interactions you can get for free!For your nonprofit 'tuition', your child receives in Primary, 1 hour every day of worksheets of indescriminent study in English that does not support the French curriculum. In Collège, your child receives 1 hour of indiscriminate study in the English language, but mostly it's about British based versions of history focused on OIB tests. In French public schools, English language classes, starting in Primary, are FREE, but do not focus on the OIB exam.The upside to SA is every September there is a free for parents champagne social, (paid for by your tuition fees as SA is supposedly a 1901 nonprofit club) but thereafter, all other events that focus on the children have a fee to attend, including the Christmas social, and the horribly directed CM2 play performed at the Fontainebleau National Theater.If you live outside of Seine et Marne, and if you meet the social requirements, a fake address will be provided for you in Fontainebleau so you don't have to worry about living outside the limits and your cantine costs will reflect the residentai cost.Yes, if you are British, your kid will be able to take the OIB at minimal extra cost to the french BA.However, it's been proven that Section Anglophone 'tweaks' grading for its students, so although they look like they excel compared to other french schools, the students consistently fail the OIB despite their supposedly exceptionally high marks in classes. Because of this, many attempts have been made by the french administration of education in Melun to close Section Anglophone in Fontainebleau.Social amenities : either you are the 'right sort' of family or you're not. Many families leave SA for local French schools because their children suffer socially in Section Anglophone, and ultimately, academically, and find that their children excel in both academic and the social environment compared to Section Anglophone, which enforces a strict economic social environment.There have been 2 suicides by collège students enrolled in the last 10 years due to the social and assimilation pressures in this international community. And there is no support from either Section Anglophone or the French side for your child or family, even when directly asked. If your child suffers socially, your family will be reported to Protection de l'enfance, and the administration and faculty will ignore your inquiries.The French teachers have no patience for the children in SA as the anglophone parents frequently criticize the French school system, compared with the German section also associated with the primary and collége.There are 3x as many 'teachers' (their qualifications as educators can't be verified, yet it's inferred that they needed a visa to stay in France and an actual university level degree in teaching is not required for anglophones) in SA compared to French teachers, yet for 1 hour of instruction, they are just glorified babysitters.Anglophone Section Fontainebleau IS NOT A SCHOOL but a social club, and though you might be able to afford the tuition, socially, it's more than likely your child and family will be ostracized.The response below doesn't even respond to any of the assertions I have made, which is typical of SA: Deny all accusations without substation.
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
Notre fille est en section anglophone dans ce collège depuis 2 ans,elle il y était en primaire et nous sommes très contents du niveau de l'enseignement de cet établissement. Les professeurs sont très sérieux, très à l'écoute des élèves et nos enfants sont épanouis .Merci encore à toute l'équipe de la section anglophone et à son directeur.
Sarah Rawson-Palmer
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
I have three children. All of which have been in or are still in the Anglophone Section. Two have very successfully completed their OIB education and are at or going to University in the UK. The third has a couple of years to go. They have all had a wonderful bilingual and multicultural education which has set them up for great futures in our diverse and changing world. We are very happy with the unique education they have received in the Anglophone Section.
Dagmara Boryszczyk
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
We moved to the Fontainebleau area specifically for the Anglophone Section. We are very happy with the level that is being provided and the teachers in the Section are very caring and attentive. Our son says that his English classes are the highlight of his day. Keep up the good work and THANK YOU!
Bill Watson
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
Five stars from my four children who attended or are attending the school. Great environment, community and of course education from a caring and dedicated staff.
Marie DGL
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
One of our kids is in CP in the Section and we are very happy with the education, both in French and English
Pantea Newman
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau
You guys really need to take bullying seriously. During my college years (basically secondary school) I was bullied, reported the problems many times to the anglophone section and instead of gaining your support, I was sent to see the anglophone so called “psychologist” (who may I say is useless, and belittled what I was feeling).Later on in lycée, I spent over two years in the same anglophone class as the people who had bullied me, even though the administration was completely aware of my past situation.Early on, I tried to reach out to the teacher, politely asking to switch classes, (and as a matter of fact, this particular professor knew what I had faced).My request was dismissed although my reason was completely valid, and understandable.To this day I suffer immensely from anxiety, bulimia and I overcame depression.Your inaction and carelessness destroys people, I’m 19 and still suffer the consequences of bullying.Nonetheless, I experienced the encounter of two great teachers, Mr Corrigan and Mr McIntyre, both excellent in their domain.

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48 Rue Guérin, 77300 Fontainebleau
Anglophone Section of Fontainebleau