Feng Shui with Me

Feng Shui with Me

12 Avis
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Feng Shui with Me

À propos de l'entreprise

Feng Shui with Me | Modern Feng Shui designed to reach your goals. Feng Shui consultations and online courses. A Blog with Feng Shui tips by Marianne Gordon, Feng Shui consultant and master. For a happy, harmonious and vibrant home. Inner growth through home design. Courses that teach you the Bagua Map, the five elements, the yin and yang theories, the flying stars... Rearrange your furniture. Find love again.



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Avis recommandés

Anouck Giraud
Feng Shui with Me
I consulted Marianne beginning of August 2020.I had been living in my flat for a long time - almost 14 years- .I needed to create a new energy in my life and I thought creating space, re-arranging the interior of my flat to bring about change in my life in an harmonious way (which is in my mind what feng shui was) thanks to a feng shui professional made a lot of sense.The advice of Marianne really helped me.A couple of months later I really felt like things were flowing again at all levels in my life- I felt a renewed sense of joy and I was more grounded in my core truth.I attracted relationships which were more in tune with who I am.Feng shui to me is an intrinsic element of well being and everybody would benefit but it also really depends on connecting with the consultant. Marianne has the perfect qualities for such job and she is easy to connect with.Her personable, soft, caring nature paired with her ability to see the bigger picture and her business mind helped immediately spot the elements which were missing or too present in my flat and once those were added or removed (as the case may be), this helped restore a sense of balance and flow.She also gently suggested that redoing my kitchen would be a good idea. I had been thinking about it for years but she gave me the extra boost I needed to do it.I can’t thank Marianne enough, I would not hesitate to use her services again and I have recommended them to friends and family.
Cecile R
Feng Shui with Me
As a Feng Shui connaisseur myself, I was a little bit skeptical about hiring a Feng Shui consultant. But Marianne turned out perfect for my project. While she knows a ton about Feng Shui theory, she really excels at understanding someone's goals. I had to renovate a place for rental purposes, and she was very very clear about the decor I needed to have in order to attract guests. She made my rental a real haven for guests and all I get is 5-star reviews! I will hire Marianne for my house next.
Feng Shui with Me
Lorsque J’ai rencontré Marianne, j'ai très vite été séduite par sa personnalité et son approche du feng shui, j’ai donc decider de prendre son cours, a une époque ou je traversais de nombreuses remises en question.Son approche est progressive et permet de faire les choses a son rythme. Le cours pose les bonnes questions pour avancer dans sa reflexion, mais surtout 'rendre don interieur feng shui' devient un plaisir. Il ne s'agit pas de tout redécorer ou transformer, mais de faire des petites modifications qui transforment vraiment l'énergie d'une piece ou d'un appart. Pour ma part, j'ai vraiment ressenti le changement en désencombrant la porte de mon entree de tous les manteaux qui y étaient accroches. J'ai immédiatement ressenti un énergie plus positive et plus dynamique qui m'a vraiment permis d'avancer et de faire de nouvelles rencontres.Je recommande les yeux fermés!
Eva Sharifi
Feng Shui with Me
Excellent help from Marianne who has been assisting us in the setting of our new home. She has helped us to give birth of our own project, far away from all the stereotypes one can see in magazines. She is super intuitive, a very good listener and really benevolent. In addition she also helped us save money as we were efficient in our choices and did not waste our architect time. So hire her it’s really worth it!
Susanna de Chenonceau
Feng Shui with Me
Marianne is incredible! Her knowledge of Feng Shui is very, very deep and she is so kind and calm and honest. She helped me completely change the energy flow of my life--no exaggeration. I had been feeling very stuck and stagnant, and Marianne helped me to redecorate my home in a much better manner that was much lighter and that felt so good.Marianne patiently and kindly answered many follow-up questions and requested many photos so that we could view everything until it was just right. We did all of this remotely, using videos of my home and pictures and texts. It was very easy to do and wildly efficient.One month after redoing my home and office with Marianne, I met my love (2.5 years ago) and increased my business greatly. Marianne's amazing work helped me purge my current life of past, stuck energy to welcome in new, fresh, stronger energy.I recommend Marianne to all of my friends and cannot recommend her highly enough. She is kind and sweet and lovely to work with in every way! I will definitely be a lifelong client of Marianne now--wherever I live I will always use concepts that she taught me, but furthermore I will now always ask her to help me set up any home or office! Book an appointment today. You will thank yourself. It's a life-changing investment at a very good rate. She's perfectly fluent in English and French. I did not know Marianne before booking with her, so this is a wholly unbiased review. I will always be a lifelong client of Marianne now!

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Feng Shui with Me