Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing 2 Rue de l'Étang, 29270 Motreff

Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing

7 Avis
  • vendrediFermé
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  • lundiOuvert 24h/24
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Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing 2 Rue de l'Étang, 29270 Motreff

À propos de l'entreprise

Embrace Your Higher Self - Fiona Gazzard | Learn to embrace your higher self, get out of your own way, live life on your own terms, and stop people-pleasing.


2 Rue de l'Étang, 29270 Motreff


  • vendrediFermé
  • samediFermé
  • dimancheFermé
  • lundiOuvert 24h/24
  • mardiOuvert 24h/24
  • mercrediOuvert 24h/24
  • jeudiOuvert 24h/24


  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

Avis recommandés

Scarlett O’connor
Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing
Unboxed is amazing!! Quick to turn around my pieces and the finished result is perfect! If I could give a higher rating I would.So grateful to have come across this business at a time when I need it most to grow my own.Thank you, Scarlett
Vanessa Howard
Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing
After chatting through with Fiona my current website issues, I was left in no doubt that she could an excellent job on producing a new one, which would get me the traffic I needed. Her background and experience in writing for major organisations gave me confidence plus was impressed that her clients have been with her for many years. Anyone looking for a new website, fully optimized with great content and at an affordable price should get in touch with her.
Natalia Palikova
Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing
As Fi's client, I confirm that she is a master in her field. Fi helped me with a piece of true stress for me - setting up my Mailing List on my WordPress-based web-site, explained the concept and tech side of what a Newsletter is, and keeps rooting for me and my overcoming the active and mutual dislike between me and the tech side of having a harmonious online business. Achieving this with me and my deeply analog approach is in itself a miracle.So if you fight with some technical and mindset terror incognita and have no idea how to approach, solve and set up this part of your business, Fi is your guide ❤As for me, once I've made the next couple of business steps I'm planning on enrolling to her master service package and put my whole content strategy to a high professional level under her guidance.

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2 Rue de l'Étang, 29270 Motreff
Fiona Gazzard - Spiritual life and business coaching, tarot readings, healing