The Memorare House (Marists of Champagnat) 42220 La Chaperie

The Memorare House (Marists of Champagnat)

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The Memorare House (Marists of Champagnat) 42220 La Chaperie

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42220 La Chaperie



  • Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant

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The Memorare House (Marists of Champagnat)
La ChaperieWe’re standing in the hamlet of Le Chaperie, near the ruins of a previous structure. The original home and animal barn of a farmer whose family name was Donnet. Notice how gradually the hills rise, tall grasses, some out crops of rock, and at the top, a stand of pine trees. During Fr. Champagnat’s time this whole area was thick with trees. There was also a mountain path that went through this area, maybe through those trees or through the valley below us. In one direction the path led to La Valla and the Hermitage. If you went in the other direction, you would end up in rather large town named Bourg-Argental. Fr. Champagnat established the 5th Marist School in that town. Something ‘miraculous’ happened here.It was February 1823, Fr. Champagnat had gotten word that one of his brothers, Jean-Baptiste Furet, was sick. He was a teacher in a new school the brothers established in Bourg-Argental. Without hesitating, he decided to visit. The mountain path was rugged. Bourg-Argental was about nine miles from the Hermitage. The journey would take several hours. It would be wise to travel with a companion, so Fr. Champagnat asked Br. Stanislaus to accompany him. They couldn’t stay long, as the weekend was beginning and Fr. Champagnat had many duties to tend to in La Valla.The trip to Bourg-Argental was uneventful. They arrived in time for lunch and spent several hours with the brothers in the community and Br. Jean-Baptiste, who was recovering nicely. It was late afternoon when they began their return journey. Earlier that afternoon it had begun to snow; lightly at first. The brothers did their best to convince Fr. Champagnat and Stanislaus to spend the night and return in the morning, but Fr. Champagnat had to get back in time for Mass.As the two made their way on the mountain path leading back to La Valla, the snow increased in intensity. By the time they got to this place, the snow and wind had gotten so fierce, they could no longer make out the path. It was a blizzard and darkness was falling quickly. Fr. Champagnat and Br. Stanislaus trudged along for what seemed like hours when Stanislaus collapsed. He was exhausted. Fr. Champagnat knelt to help him, but even he was feeling desperate. ‘We’re lost,’ he said. ‘We need to ask Our Good Mother, Mary to help us. She’s our only hope.’ Together they prayed the Memorare, a prayer that Christians have been saying for centuries when they found themselves in hopeless situations.In the distance, Fr. Champagnat noticed a light that appeared to be moving. Fr. Champagnat helped Br. Stanislaus to his feet and together they made their way toward the light. They knocked on the door to this house. Mr. Donnet, realizing they were lost, welcomed them into his house and offered them a warm soup and place to spend the night. The next morning, as they recalled the previous night’s journey, Fr. Champagnat shared that after they prayed, it was the light that led them to this house. Mr. Donnet said it must have been the light from his lantern, he had gone outside to get into his barn and check on his animals.But he noted it was strange, ‘I don’t know what possessed me,’ he said, ‘but I could have used the trap door in the kitchen to get into the barn below. With the storm raging so badly, I took my lantern to see where I was going. Why I went outside in the storm, I don’t know.’ For Fr. Champagnat and Br. Stanislaus, it was clear. This was no coincidence. It was a miracle. It was Mary, Our Good Mother.’ Who fled to protect them and led them to safety.

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42220 La Chaperie
The Memorare House (Marists of Champagnat)